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PWGenesis says...

" now we can bahamas"
The issue with the Cubans could have been proactively resolved. Further taking into account that MICAL islands (Mayaguana, Inagua, Crooked Acklins and Long Cay) sits in the nation of the Bahamas mostly close to the Terrorism camp known as Guantanamo Bay Cuba. The fact that the Americans have been given a number blank checks to privy these matters remains tepidly certain that the interests of these islands may need protection. Therefore, this matter could have benefitted the wider agenda of greater assistance(s) in a number of areas that seems vulnerable:Example: Maritime affairs, illegal fishing in the waters of the Bahamas,the lingering boats people migrants, trans-shipment of illicits, fly over rights and the list continues.

" now we can bahamas"

On PWGenesis

Posted 26 August 2013, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

The Redemption of the Bahamas and Our Youth"
Let us move forward to rid the islands of the plague of crime.
Bahamas independence day is here again. What has the duly elected government 1969 - 1997? 1998 - 2013 done in the name of We the people?????????
Note Well:
The apparent boycott by the FNM has ben noted.

On PWGenesis

Posted 13 August 2013, 1:18 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

" now we can bahamas!"
The Bahamas could soon reach a point in its development where (SAED) i.e. Shock & Awe Economic Development begin.
Which political GROUP can seriously managed the progress forward?
Maybe a Patriotic National Front (PNF) or govt.may be able to move into the future.
Would there be multi- party system in the islands of the Bahamas or some form of coalition government?
Imagine Bahamas with a government that implements a rational and well understood Bahamianization policy –market (CM)
Solution / resolution to the human trade (boat people) migration/ immigration matters.
Integration to a cohesive common market (cm)
Indigenous people land distribution
Trade policy understood and outlined with Caribbean/South America /Asia/ European Union/ Africa/ USA/ Eastern Europe.
Imagine Bahamas with a patriotic nationalist government that establishes the following:
a) S.O.R.S (Strategic Oil Reserve Supply)
To minimize the lack of petroleum throughout the territories and the maintenance /regulation of fair pricing & market stability.
b) B.M.T.S (Bahamas Maritime Tracking System)
I.e. Installed in all mail boats etc plying the national waters for a minimal fee.
c) N.C.M (National Cellular market – deregulation and opening cellular services to competition.
d) I.I.A.T ( Inter island Air Transportation).
e) I.I.T.B ( Inter island tourism board).
f) New postal rates for mass mailers/advertisers/bulk mailers.
g) B.T.A. ( Bahamas Transportation Authority) A semi –quasi agency that administers the mass movement of people in New Providence island and throughout the island nation.
h) National Prescription Drug plan to ensure the pricing of imported drugs may be cost effective and reasonable.
Imagine Bahamas with a new national photo “Non-drivers card?
Imagine Bahamas with a national government who response to citizens who write, email, or post a letter and get an answer or reply directly.
Imagine Bahamas Beyond 2013 with a minimum wage law that is enforced.
Imagine Bahamas Beyond 2013 with street cameras installed ASAP throughout New providence that will execute the Road traffic enforcements – example: when a driver runs a red light or Stop Sign a ticket is generated and mail with 10 days of the incident to the driver as a result of the actions taken that violated the Road traffic mandate.
Imagine Bahamas Beyond 2013 with a vibrant faces in “ Foreign Affairs” and the immediate retirement or re-assignment of “ ALL” the dozens of Diplomats who drained the Treasury.
Imagine Bahamas Beyond 2013 with a PNG that works for the people and attracts or compete for the billions of dollars in the “ Outsourcing” pool of United States and European companies.
Imagine Bahamas Beyond 2013 with a PNG that implements a “Three year” moratorium of vehicle importation.
NO more National Security Minister, but National Security Advisor.
Imagine Bahamas with a new :
a) Parliament complex
b) National Deficit reduction.

On PWGenesis

Posted 7 August 2013, 3:42 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

It is known that in New Providence Bahamas there are over 1 dozen GANGS that roam the streets of Pinewood, East street, Golden Gate, Carmicheal road, Fox Hill, Yellow Elder, Kemp road, Coconut Grove, Prince Charles drive areas and elsewhere on the capitol island.
Isn't that a National security matter that needs to be infiltrated and jostle?
What your view tell ?

On PWGenesis

Posted 6 August 2013, 4:17 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

Evidence Based Models formats are used widely to ascertain correctly how things are working by most large organisations that have to be sure there formats and methods are smoothly functioning.

On PWGenesis

Posted 26 July 2013, 12:20 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

You cannot change the world, but you can present the world with one
improved person, yourself. You can go to work on yourself to make
yourself into the kind of person you admire and respect. You can become
a role model and set a standard for others. You can control and
discipline yourself to resist acting or speaking in a negative way
toward anyone for any reason. You can insist upon always doing things
the loving way, rather than the hurtful way. By doing these things each day, you can continue on your journey toward becoming an exceptional human being."
Hope everyone had a good weekend and here is to a productive week take care and be safe."

Marvin, RN-APN

On PWGenesis

Posted 20 July 2013, 2:29 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

Evidence based models (ebm) or Evidence based practices (ebp)was never shown or given to the Bahamian people to assist the masses in clearly seeing any viable options why a lotto system could work or not work in the country. That was the responsibility of the AG, as the complexities of this issue may have been more clearly understood and the results could have been different.
Whats your view????

On PWGenesis

Posted 10 July 2013, 6:07 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

Ammadou Ammadou Xibson

May 31


" Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahamaland,
March on to glory, your bright banners waving high,
See how the world marks the manner of your bearing ;
Pledge to excel thro' love and unity.

Pressing onward, march together, to a common loftier goal ;
Steady sunward tho' the weather hide the wide and treacherous shoal.
Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahamaland,
'til the road you've trod lead unto your God, March on Bahamaland."

Mr. Speaker that national anthem ought to be sung every day by ALL schools at Assembly in the islands of the Bahamas.
Maybe these words have to be heard daily as to the " Why it was said " Its Better in the Bahamas" back in the days Mr. Speaker.
I reserved the balance of my time Mr. Speaker."

On PWGenesis

Posted 10 July 2013, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

The Bahamas and its standing in Caribbean affairs; the financial position, cultural and legal systems and its developing struggles are incomplete since independence.

The government and peoples’ character and current political leadership are all interwoven with the nature of world politics.

The Bahamian model or rather the Pindling model,featured economic inter-activity and various political foreplay and contradictions geared generally through outside models while the Family island s un-natural political linkage and isolation, suffers from normal and un-natural stresses generated from mis-management and or mis-calculations of the economy and the lack of procreated post independence economic viability to off set severe trends, typical of smaller island nations.

Though the model did earlier did eliminate some disparities and inequalities, forced upon the people by the old regime(s);(i.e) 1956 – 1983.

Wounded Child: Faces of triumph:

(c) 1975, 1997, 2013 . C. St. Paul Gibson. All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes

On PWGenesis

Posted 10 July 2013, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

"The Redemption of the Bahamas and Our Youth"
Let us move forward on rid the islands of the plague of crime.
Bahamas independence day is here again. What has the duly elected government 1969 - 1997? 1998 - 2013 done in the name of We the people?????????

On PWGenesis

Posted 10 July 2013, 5:57 p.m. Suggest removal