Comment history

PWGenesis says...

Mr Speaker I submit the following to curb down and jostle the increasing plaque of crime in the islands in the sun.
Initiate a "Gun buy back" program or start an amnesty for a period to last not longer than "90 days" and take guns of the streets, using various churches as a backdrop.
Also start neighborhood curfews and put "A visible Foot policemen on every street and investigation as to set up a databank as to where these "weapons" i.e guns are coming from and by whom.
Also offer a Reward for all murders and put a moving truck in the communities that broadcast the information and keep confidentiality of all who give up information leading to the arrest and conviction of the thugs.
Mr Speaker whats your view?

PWGenesis says...

Mr Speaker I submit the following to curb down and jostle the increasing plaque of crime in the islands in the sun.
Initiate a "Gun buy back" program or start an amnesty for a period to last not longer than "90 days" and take guns of the streets, using various churches as a backdrop.
Also start neighborhood curfews and put "A visible Foot policemen on every street and investigation as to set up a databank as to where these "weapons" i.e guns are coming from and by whom.
Also offer a Reward for all murders and put a moving truck in the communities that broadcast the information and keep confidentiality of all who give up information leading to the arrest and conviction of the thugs.
Mr Speaker whats your view?

PWGenesis says...

Mr Speaker I submit the following to curb down and jostle the increasing plaque of crime in the islands in the sun.
Initiate a "Gun buy back" program or start an amnesty for a period to last not longer than "90 days" and take guns of the streets, using various churches as a backdrop.
Also start neighborhood curfews and put "A visible Foot policemen on every street and investigation as to set up a databank as to where these "weapons" i.e guns are coming from and by whom.
Also offer a Reward for all murders and put a moving truck in the communities that broadcast the information and keep confidentiality of all who give up information leading to the arrest and conviction of the thugs.
Mr Speaker whats your view?

On Woman found stabbed to death

Posted 8 June 2013, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

Good day:
The Bahamas has to do the following immediately;
Initiate a "Gun buy back" program or start an amnesty for a period to last not longer than "90 days" and take guns of the streets, using various churches as a backdrop.
Also start neighborhood curfews and put "A visible Foot policemen on every street immediately.
Also offer a Reward for all murders immediately and put a moving truck or van in the communities that broadcast the information and keep confidentiality of all who give such information leading to the arrest and conviction of the thugs or .

On PWGenesis

Posted 17 May 2013, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

Looking to track "quality of life crimes, namely in Nassau ever likely?

Police Commissioner, has yet to pledge to get tough with quality of life offenders. Now, how could he hope for trust alongside the history of rising crimes of terror in part to the invasive drug incursions of the recent years in a number of localities namely New Providence and other urban cells in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
In what maybe a first crime initiative since May 07, 2012, Police Commissioner could began in the climate of post political electioneering, crack down on so called nuisance crimes as does the department with more serious local ordinance violations and infractions. believes a map of quality of life hot spots around the islands could began to track trends of shootings, robberies, burglaries, car theft, crimes associated with gambling, vehicular homicides and domestic violence.
Further to garner reasonable results, publicizing a crime hotline, available nationwide as a totally free telephone number, 24/7, could very well loan to community participation in tackling the menace.
Crime has reached a level unacceptable to rational civil order in New Providence as District police Commanders has yet to be held accountable for how they deal with crime in the area(s).
Community tolerance of crime in Blue Hill, Fox Hill, Yellow Elder, Bamboo town, Carmicheal could be lowered and a dramatic upsurge in residents' awareness levels increase while acceptance of sober social norms returning. Basically how members of the community began to deal with one another should be a strategy of great concern to the Commanders.
No doubt aggressive street hookers, peddlers, panhandlers may be notorious throughout town, loud and excessive rowdiness,wilding-out and music, irate citizens have become less likely to seek police assistance, due in part to residents overall confidence in the police machinery has faded over the years.
Police Commissioner has yet to pledge a tough and reasonably community based police approach to crime stoppage and prevention with legitimacy and resolution to bring down the high blitz-levels of quality of life crime and fear in the metro Nassau area.
Murder, manslaughter, vehicular homicides, cargo theft, domestic violence and widen drug incursions throughout central Nassau is a known fact, statistics has been alarmingly high for 12 years, compared to cities with population of less than 200,000 people.

Police Commissioner and the Prime Minister have yet to repeatedly stress whether strict enforcement would be forthcoming. believes quality of life crimes should become more a targeted plan for crime reduction and public concern in 2012 - 2015

On ROBERTS: audit exposed another FNM mess

Posted 17 May 2013, 4:01 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

Patriotic Nationalists Bahamas
(PN) Bahamas
Support (S&AED) (i.e) Shock & Awe Economic Development) for the Bahamas.
" The Commonwealth of the Bahamas (known as the Bahamas); since the birth of independence July 10th 1973, is urged to established "Comprehensive public transportation" system (cpt) to benefit and safeguard the integrity of mass transportation for ALL the people."
(ImagineBahamasBeyond2013),© Copyright 2009. Micalvoice. All rights reserved.

On ROBERTS: audit exposed another FNM mess

Posted 17 May 2013, 3:46 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

Patriotic Nationalists Bahamas
(PN) Bahamas
Support (S&AED) (i.e) Shock & Awe Economic Development) for the Bahamas.
" The Commonwealth of the Bahamas (known as the Bahamas); since the birth of independence July 10th 1973, is urged to established "Comprehensive public transportation" system (cpt) to benefit and safeguard the integrity of mass transportation for ALL the people."
(ImagineBahamasBeyond2013),© Copyright 2009. Micalvoice. All rights reserved.

PWGenesis says...

Patriotic Nationalists Bahamas
(PN) Bahamas
Support (S&AED) (i.e) Shock & Awe Economic Development) for the Bahamas.
" The Commonwealth of the Bahamas (known as the Bahamas); since the birth of independence July 10th 1973, is urged to established "Comprehensive public transportation" system (cpt) to benefit and safeguard the integrity of mass transportation for ALL the people."
(ImagineBahamasBeyond2013),© Copyright 2009. Micalvoice. All rights reserved.

PWGenesis says...

Patriotic Nationalists Bahamas
(PN) Bahamas
Support (S&AED) (i.e) Shock & Awe Economic Development) for the Bahamas.
" The Commonwealth of the Bahamas (known as the Bahamas); since the birth of independence July 10th 1973, is urged to established "Comprehensive public transportation" system (cpt) to benefit and safeguard the integrity of mass transportation for ALL the people."
(ImagineBahamasBeyond2013),© Copyright 2009. Micalvoice. All rights reserved.

PWGenesis says...

Patriotic Nationalists Bahamas
(PN) Bahamas
Support (S&AED) (i.e) Shock & Awe Economic Development) for the Bahamas.
" The Commonwealth of the Bahamas (known as the Bahamas); since the birth of independence July 10th 1973, is urged to established "Comprehensive public transportation" system (cpt) to benefit and safeguard the integrity of mass transportation for ALL the people."
Bahamian Patriot Ammadou Gibson:
(ImagineBahamasBeyond2013),© Copyright 2009. Micalvoice. All rights reserved.