Comment history

Patches says...

The majority of people who were cheated by Anthony Thompson and Howard Obront by purchasing property in Oceania Heights were doctors.... specialists in various areas. They would most likely have been more that willing to spend a few days a week in the hospital, given that doctors never want to stop practicing what they yearn to do. Perhaps some would want to be paid but the most would just want a stipend!

This is a tragedy! There is an empty hospital building with no staff, no completion of the interior, no effort at all by the government to provide much needed medical services to the Exumians .....only, it seems, to line their pockets with the construction!

It's time for the People of Exuma to revolt and demand that the Bahamian government step up and do what is right!

Patches says...

Mr. Thompson seems to forget that the Bahamas Bar Association Disciplinary Tribunal found him guilty of "gross misconduct" and that his conduct fell "far below acceptable standard." Their judgement of him included this line: "The Tribunal, in all of the circumstances and in light of the facts in evidence, is not satisfied that Mr. Thompson acquitted himself fully, professionally and in compliance with the Legal Profession Act, and finds that the respondent is guilty of conduct unbefitting a counsel and attorney."

Mr. Thompson should be ashamed of himself. His reported protests are a disgrace.

Patches says...

It is my understanding that the majority of property owners in Oceania Heights are doctors specialized in several different areas of medicine. They were told by the developers that there was to be a new hospital constructed within three miles of the development. This is obviously not true ..... but, if it were, there would be an abundance of medical specialists more than eager to service such a hospital and a health centre, in conjunction, would offer a lot more. It would be a major boon for Exuma!

Only great things would come from it. Can't think of a better place to be cared for and recuperate !

On Bahamas targets wellness tourism

Posted 4 February 2013, 12:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Patches says...

Mr. O'Brien is absolutely right. There are no owners, to my knowledge, who are happy with their purchase in Oceania heights. Good for him to step up to the plate !! Mr. O'Brien is a lawyer with integrity.

Patches says...

Mr. Smith suggests that the 'disgruntled' owners should have pursued civil action .. i.e 'by filing a civil action against his clients'. I may be wrong, but it is my understanding that if one does this, then that precludes the pursuit of criminal action. If that is the case, then it is no wonder that Mr. Smith and his clients would want the owners to pursue civil rather than criminal paths.

On Owners urged: 'Stop maligning Bahamas' name'

Posted 7 December 2012, 12:04 p.m. Suggest removal