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Petra says...

Getting trained and developing handicraft skills is a way to ensure social integration and give women the possibility to be financially independent. Workshops that teaches you how to manufacture different items, like coconut crafts, needlework, jewelry making or beautiful glass fusing items like the ones you can see on <a href="">AMusinGlass</a> are really useful, providing a viable solution to make a living for people all over the world. As handicraft items are so appreciated nowdays, having the skills for it can pay the bills beautifully.

Petra says...

Handicraft items are highly appreciated in the entire world, given their beauty. The itmes you can find at <a href=""></a> are also beautiful and women in particular are prone to admiring beautiful and elegant things. A workshop like this, that develops the sense of beauty and also provides a useful know how are really good initiatives and should be organized more often.

Petra says...

Maybe receiving a positive feedback from other cultures could elevate the sense of pride for the traditions that the Jamaican people holds. They could consider entering the Western market, having some works of art transported with the help of those from <a href="…">…</a> and see what the results are. Surely they will be appreciated, since people enjoy art in all its forms of manifestation.

Petra says...

Handmade items are highly appreciated nowdays especially because each item is unique and envelops skills that we'd like to have if we had more free time to pursue such a hobby. These coconut jewellery and crafts would make a perfect gift for anyone and people like <a href=""></a> who want to show appreciation to their fans and friends would certainly find them suitable. Hopefully there will be more workshops like this that will encourage people to develop their skills and continue to create beautiful things for us to enjoy.

Petra says...

The mini hospitals idea is extremely convenient for for those who are immobilized and need a doctor close to the place they live. They might even consider having some stair lifts or chair lifts installed, like the ones this company is providing <a href=""></a>. This way people in wheelchairs would feel they are taken into account and wouldn't feel once again that they are completely depending on others.

On 2013/2014 budget communication

Posted 16 February 2015, 1:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Petra says...

The construction of new homes and helping small-medium size businesses might very well go hand in hand with each other. There are a lot of family-owned businesess, like this siding company <a href=""></a> runned by people who know what it takes to get the job done right the first time and who could use the government support on assigning them some projects. These small companies do have the potential and ability to contribute to society.

On 2013/2014 budget communication

Posted 16 February 2015, 1:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Petra says...

Doctors are working hard when on duty and the well being of their patients is their main concern, so events like these contribute to their constant effort for providing the best cure there is for those in need. All doctors, whether dentists like those from <a href=""></a> or generalists, oncologists etc. have in common the desire to do good and help the sick. To many of them we owe our lives, even, and it's a good thing others are joining them in their good intentions, however they can.

Petra says...

The underground leaks that cause the water loss can also damage the foundations of the buildings, so intervening in order to solve this problem would also prevent the damages that water can cause to peoples' homes. People could take precautionary measures and have the foundation of their house consolidated with the help of a company specialized in offering such service, like <a href="…">…</a>. Untill the problem gets solved, it is good to make sure you don't suffer additional damage because of the water infiltrations.

On Cut in water losses

Posted 14 February 2015, 5:57 a.m. Suggest removal

Petra says...

It's always nice to see that the government is investing in accommodating children with special needs. Renovating the schools is the most valuable investment a country can make for its own future. Surely there will be companies that will gladly participate in the renovation process, like these <a href="…">painters in Portland</a> would. The community proved often that is more than willing to get involved in projects that serve a good cause like this one.

On 2013/2014 budget communication

Posted 14 February 2015, 5:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Petra says...

Investing in cutting water loss is a very important initiative, for obvious reasons and hopefully the project will be successful. A good infrastructure and quality <a href="">sewage pumps</a> are important elements in this matter. But still, it looks like they need to invest a lot and come up with a good plan, since things are somewhat critical.

On Cut in water losses

Posted 12 February 2015, 10:34 a.m. Suggest removal