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Philosopher_King says...

It is sad affair that this new administration only major accomplishment has been to change the organizations name from BOA to BOC. They inherited an organization with $100s in its' coffers and after taking full time positions in it's offices only managed to end up begging for proceeds to go to the Olympics like every other dysfunctional local sporting organization with the exception of swimming and tennis. Let's have those past due elections once the games are over and get some financially secure individuals who know how to raise funds. Go Bahamas in London!!!!

Philosopher_King says...

If you are an impartial observer of the press coverage in the Bahamas you know they have their distinct biases. Some reoccurring themes are PLP incompetent and corrupt and the FNM competent and pristine. When we all know both of these parties are majorly flawed and have elements of both in their ranks. Another theme is black business person incompetent and corrupt and white and foreign business person astute and operating above board. I have repeatedly read articles on this site that give credence to the excuses for failures of white and foreign owned business or allow them to explain their position without challenging them with facts. While reiterating every outside opinion on why a local black owned enterprise is struggling or under performing. It is laughable sometimes to see them even choosing to ignore entirely cases of blatant corrupt behavior of white and foreign owned businesses. So yes the PLP has to be concerned about their public image, but they should concern themselves with governing effectively rather than correcting the historical biases many in the press have.

On Don't mess with the press

Posted 20 June 2012, 11:27 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

I thought only me notice that beach area was eroded badly compared to when I was a child. Now where are they getting the new sand from: further out to sea or at the expense of other beach areas?

Philosopher_King says...

Open for business, hopefully not For Sale.

On 'Bahamas is open for business'

Posted 8 June 2012, 7:57 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

Business is all about protecting ones legal interest first, or all of your efforts will have been in vain. For those of you who believe this is karma, well I guess you'd prefer he operate a charity non-profit organization and be on the streets in a few months rather than a successful business. Far too many of us have no real understanding how the game of big business is played and expect because Mr. Wilson is one of us he should cut us some slack. Under your twisted logic: the large numbers of descendants of former slaves who languish in generational poverty and can't catch a break must have done something really bad to deserve that lot in life hey. I wonder how they feel about your kind of karma???

Philosopher_King says...

Common practice for low level political operatives to go in to certain communities and hand out cash night before election day to certain individuals, get over it folks. Wish it wasn't the case, but hungry belly voters need to be fed; at least unlike Jamaica used to be until their most recent election it wasn't bullets. Let’s work toward reducing the number of voters in need of a cash incentive by the next one please.

On Junior Minister Keith Bell makes claim

Posted 5 June 2012, 9:19 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

Yes Ingraham did run for PM in '02 Tommy held a non-constitutional post of leader-elect that didn't guarantee or compel Ingraham to step down after the election. So he was the leader of the FNM at the time and would have been sworn in as PM if they had won. Many of his sheep are deniers and refuse to understand that He did lead them in to landslide defeat as he did again this time. I’ve been around this all my life and know the FNM constitution which most Hubedites and new supporters clearly don’t care to learn

On Former PM to give farewell address

Posted 29 May 2012, 5:28 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

Note of Fact: Both the last 2 elections produced governments that did get 50% of the popular vote. The FNM/ Hubedites led by their noses by now Citizen Ingraham governed with no regard for the majority who didn't vote for them and lost badly this time around by seat count, but the PLP like them in ‘07 only garnered 48% of the voters support. Once again the ugly code word “Mandate” was uttered by Bradley “My Fingers in Every Pie” Roberts in a recent interview, just like Citizen Ingraham foolishly did in ’07. Let this be a warning to the current administration: you must be consultative and come to the people on the bigger issues to at least let them be heard. Be open to criticism and frank assessment of your ideas and performance by true intellectuals and experts in various fields. Adjust policies to fit the reality of what is in the best interest of the majority of the people, not a select few legacy families or big party donors. For next time around the DNA if they play their cards right will take an even greater percentage of the vote, a few seats even and one of you will find yourselves sharing office with them or even worse you both will be battling to see who is truly the official opposition. We tired of this ish man.

On Former PM to give farewell address

Posted 29 May 2012, 5:20 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

UH? Citizen Ingraham resigned after defeat at the polls in '02 when he was leader of the remnants of the FNM and now again after another landslide defeat he resigns as leader leaving behind his Hubedite minions to fill his small shoes. This man is was destructive force of nature that corrupted the ideals of FNM to create a cult of personality that the majority of Bahamians thought they were done with in ’92 with Sir Lynden was run out of office. Unfortunately history continues to repeat itself in The Bahamas, I suspect he’ll claim the people calling for him to come back in ’17 so he try scrape another slim victory like ’07.

On Former PM to give farewell address

Posted 26 May 2012, 7:55 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

If you only paralyzed by fear to act on what potentially could go wrong then that is what will hold you prisoner to tourism a dying sector that is already maximizing it's potential for the next 30 years and will leave you with greater numbers of poor people in generations to come. Oil or natural gas is no panacea by no stretch of imagination, but a possible way forward until renewable alternatives are better developed to easy us of this crack we in the Bahamas can no longer afford. No other business sector is coming to our shores with the astronomical cost of electricity in the country, so all other talk of diversifying our economy is ludicrous my friends if we don’t at least explore a workable way forward.

On 'Country will decide on oil exploration'

Posted 24 May 2012, 11:17 a.m. Suggest removal