Comment history

PleaseSir says...

Democracy dies in the darkness. Keep publicizing, and mention any facts you have…….

On Roadworks blasted over 30% sales fall

Posted 31 October 2022, 8:03 p.m. Suggest removal

PleaseSir says...

An egregious act of self-harm perpetrated by individuals of modest acumen and no foresight. As usual, the only winners in the end will be the lawyers………

On Old Fort Bay ‘torn’ by escalating fight

Posted 21 October 2022, 4:41 a.m. Suggest removal

PleaseSir says...

The incidence of COVID-19 remains high simply due to poor compliance with the distancing rules and non-vaccination. Many Bahamians prefer to trust fatalism rather than obeying commonsense rules.

PleaseSir says...

He is not in the Lyford Cay property owners’ directory and he is not a member of the club. He has no connection with Lyford Cay itself. The article mentions Lyford Cay purely to get attention, and is not accurate.

On Lyford Cay broker in $22m bribery scheme

Posted 14 April 2021, 6:36 a.m. Suggest removal