Comment history

Porcupine says...

Yes, it's called standing on principle. Gave up on that, hey?

On LETTER: Hoping US Ambassador is declined

Posted 31 March 2025, 8:17 a.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

Who owns the GOP Tal?
Simple question. Politicians are there for distraction.
I understand differ.
God is real, but religion is one big lie. Is that what you mean?

On PM: Back me and I may cut VAT again

Posted 30 March 2025, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

Having spoken to a number of yacht owners and operators, Pintard is correct.
Dexter Fernander must be living in a bubble.
There is little that Inland Revenue does that makes sense for this country and the people who live here.
What Pintard says about making more money on the back-end could also apply to much of the excessive regulation and taxation imposed by this supposed "People's" PLP government.
The finance gurus in this administration are completely wrong at most every turn. No brains, just greed.

Porcupine says...

Is it not well established that trump is a pathological liar, as well as being a narcissist.
Are these qualifications for a national leader?
His cabinet is made up of sycophant billionaires who care nothing about The People.
How does a person miss this, and still support someone devoid of character?
Well, I guess we do it here too, hey?

On LETTER: Hoping US Ambassador is declined

Posted 30 March 2025, 2:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

Thanks for taking the time to show what a failure this administration has been, Mr. Grant.
All meaningless words, no action, and a spiral downwards. So much for forward, onward.......

On LETTER: Clock is running on promises

Posted 30 March 2025, 1:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

Hey Jack,

Walker is an idiot. he doesn't know what day it is. Might be an ok guy to have a beer with. But, ambassador to The Bahamas. Be serious. And Jack, are you paying attention to the educated people standing up against the fool trump? Might seem like those who still support him are in some k of cult mentality. He is destroying the US. Don't get it Jack? Try education. It tends to help.

On LETTER: Hoping US Ambassador is declined

Posted 30 March 2025, 1:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

Yup. I see it. Follow the money. Many are becoming billionaires selling these weapons. But, if you do your research, you will see beyond the curtains. Whom can you not criticize? That's who owns you. The Tribune can only offer so much intellectual insight. Hours a day are necessary. Yes, or no?

On PM: Back me and I may cut VAT again

Posted 30 March 2025, 8:12 a.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

Just don't criticize Israel and you should be fine.

On PM: Back me and I may cut VAT again

Posted 29 March 2025, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

Excellent commentary. Last name listed, should be "Joe" Spence.
Why are these stories not taught in every school in The Bahamas? Nor their music?
Why do we place so little emphasis on education here?
These stories, along with the history of Red Bays, are essential lore at the core of Bahamian and Andros history.
Soon, all will these memories will be lost.
Do we care?

On ERIC WIBERG: Come run see Jerusalem

Posted 29 March 2025, 12:04 p.m. Suggest removal