Comment history

Porcupine says...

Yes. And I believe it has permeated all aspects of our society.
It is difficult to believe that our MPs and PM have ordinary Bahamians best interest at heart.
From the looks of it, they are stealing as much as they possibly can.
They are not even trying to hide it anymore.

Porcupine says...

Nail on the head.

Porcupine says...

I just paid my Starlink bill. I noticed that it went to Dublin Ireland. I wonder why? The rich no longer pay taxes. Their investments in buying governments have paid off, hey?

Porcupine says...

Agreed. But, the government profits from the extra revenue, and could if they choose, use some of this money to help those under the most pressure. Hell, they could use this extra money to invest in our essential infrastructure. But, neither the PLP or FNM can see this, can they?

Porcupine says...

Educated Christians understand that a progressive taxation system, such as income tax on the top 10% of earners is what is just and fair. or, a corporate tax.
However, those at the top of the income pyramid are the very ones that own this government, which includes the politicians who write the laws.
It is wishful thinking that a rich criminal lawyer turned politician has the People in mind when talking about taxes.
Those at the top are the very ones who still believe in trickle-down economics, whereby the richest shouldn't pay taxes at all because they are the job creators and the innovators.
That strategy worked out well for the Western world these last 40 years, hey?
And, what happened to the 500 million of uncollected property taxes owed the Bahamian government? We don't hear too much about that anymore, do we?
Why wasn't there the will in this, or any other administration to collect this property tax money? Enforcement is easy. Pay your taxes or lose your property. Oh, because these are the top donors to the PLP and FNM, and the politicians.
Just like the BOB loans that couldn't be collected from the politicians and big borrowers.
Politics has killed this small country.
It almost seems as if there is nobody in the Bahamian government who can do math.
Imagine running a household like we run this country.
Borrow, borrow, borrow.

Porcupine says...

You are absolutely right.

Porcupine says...

Is there, or has there ever been, people in the Bahamian government capable of understanding the IMF report, or even this article?
This should say something about the complete lack of true representation for our people.
Or perhaps the complete lack of education required to govern a nation.
Our financial gurus in The Bahamas are out of touch and completely lost.
Perhaps this is why prayer is so important.
Obviously, voting has utterly failed.

Porcupine says...

A true tragedy.
Are we allowed to say that proper parenting broke down at some point?
How do we get this nation back on track?
This is an adult dialog that we continue to place on the back burner.

On Mom: I screamed and prayed to God

Posted 20 January 2025, 10:31 a.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

Too late. We are already a shithole country according to trump.
He was obviously clued in to the whole drugs and guns scandal.
We will continue our backwards slide so long as we continue to play politics here and abroad, instead of be guided steadfastly by a higher moral calling Simply listen to Mia Motley of Barbados to see the stark difference between the two. Hear anything like her in The Bahamas? Of course not. We are always worried about the elephant about to sit on us.
We must accept that we are a country that has never before put intelligence and morality before self serving politics. Our continued brain drain will not subsist until we allow smart moral people to feel welcome here. At present,we are a regressive, reactionary Christian nationalist country, sorely lacking an educated moral class. Our political class is crass, ignorant, and vindictive. They have poisoned the country such that decent people do not want to be in politics or anywhere near this criminal class. This comment extends to the very top of our so-called leadership.

On US and China battle on Bahamas investments

Posted 19 January 2025, 10:28 a.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...
