Comment history

Pricklypear says...

Provided a clean slate? What a disgusting thing to say.

On Abaco can be 'model rebuild for Caribbean'

Posted 20 September 2019, 11:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Pricklypear says...

As a Californian I find the comments very interesting. Thank you for sharing your viewpoints!

Pricklypear says...

Well said Lynn. From US thank you for your insights.

On Don't spread false stories

Posted 12 September 2019, 8:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Pricklypear says...

News in USA as of yesterday is still “at least 50 died”

Pricklypear says...

Joe Blow. Was this religious group that you mentioned above Jehovah’s Witnesses?

Pricklypear says...

Mudda. Im an ‘outsider’ from CA. I want to say that I appreciate your well thought out and informative comments. We are subjected to a lot of whitewashed information over here. This Tribune resource and the Bahama Press are giving is the most local and likely closest to the Truth of the situation. Nothing is perfect. Please know - all of you locals who post- those of us who care out here want to hear from you. I skip CNN, BBC 90% of the time and try to find local residents who can tell us what they know. I’m horrified. Just at a loss for words. Unbelievable