Comment history

Princetide says...

I think refugees tend to migrate illegally to seek an opportunity, and a perceived better way of life. Not to kill and conquer. That would be more likely done by those with hatred and prejudice in their hearts.

On Man found dead as 100 Haitians detained

Posted 23 October 2014, 11:09 a.m. Suggest removal

Princetide says...


Princetide says...

Your responce makes you sound like you work for the Department of "Ignorantation" AKA. Immigration. Tourists not acting badly, unless you wish to blame the victims for the crime.

Princetide says...

This is wrong, shortsighted, and will result in ruination. Fact...not opinion.

Princetide says...

Along with a reasonable paid lunch hour, similar to other civilized nations, we need to madate some reasonable productivity requirements. It not what happenens during the "breaks", it what doesn't happen during the "work" hours. As a matter of fact, there is more lost productivity during the "work" hours, then giving a mere hour a day to eat and recharge a workers batteries. Breaks are important to employee retention, productivity, and hiring. Plus, the propose language excepts other schedules and breaks created by agreement, between labor and management. Which means high unemployment bodes well for the employer negotiating position, not the employee's. Lastly, don't you think that most reasonable employers, and most serious workers give, and take a lunch hour?.....Really,

Princetide says...

**Did Anyone get the memo announcing the new higher cost, new fees and vastly inferior service that has accompanied the BTC privatization ?" Or did we all just believe the Goverment's and our new majority partner's promises that costs would drop, and service would improve?

Princetide says...

Does this very new Minister have issues with the numerous spy satellites that crisscross the globe from the stratosphere? How about the "eyes of God" that look down upon us all?

Princetide says...

There is probably a simple and barely legal reason as to why we pay the same fuel adjustment fees while the price of oil dropped over twenty percent in recent months? Please help me understand.

Princetide says...

The management, as well as the owners of this monopoly/public utility are underwhelming as business people. It is unconscionable how the customers/stakeholders are being victimized. It is wrong, and inexplicable.

Princetide says...

Having had the opportunity to do business for many years with the former, and now proposed management group, this agreement is a great step forward for the community, and the island as a whole.