An extremely important issue, that should be considered sooner rather than latter. G.B. has fared far worse then other islands, with the only apparent difference being the quasi-governmental entity of GBPA. Nature abhors a vacuum.
An extremely important issue, that should be considered sooner rather than latter. G.B. has fared far worse then other islands, with the only apparent difference being the quasi-governmental entity of GBPA. Nature abhors a vacuum.
Princetide says...
An extremely important issue, that should be considered sooner rather than latter. G.B. has fared far worse then other islands, with the only apparent difference being the quasi-governmental entity of GBPA. Nature abhors a vacuum.
On Hawksbill agreement 'brings a dilemma' for Grand Bahama
Posted 3 July 2012, 6:14 p.m. Suggest removal
Princetide says...
An extremely important issue, that should be considered sooner rather than latter. G.B. has fared far worse then other islands, with the only apparent difference being the quasi-governmental entity of GBPA. Nature abhors a vacuum.
On Aid offered to help farming community
Posted 3 July 2012, 6:12 p.m. Suggest removal