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ProfessorTinker says...

What really kills me is that the police never tell the public the connection between the assailants and the victim. For these people just to kill this man like this is not coincidental. There has to be some connection and the police needs to relay these connections to the public because a murder like this can send a lot of fear and panic into society. For someone to think it’s not safe to drop your girlfriend off or your family but besides that, crime is just out of control. Bernard Nottage what the hell is your problem. You are not keeping the illegal immigrants out and crime is out of control. Man step down and let someone else take over.

ProfessorTinker says...

Not only does Gray have no answer, Gray does not even care and will never get an answer because when you are taking a 20% kick back how can you provide answers. The man that burned that building should be a hero. That was a whistle blowing tactic that exposed this corrupt government. That’s why Gray was so adamant about saying on the news that if the guy came to him he would have paid the guy what was owed out of his pocket at the expense of burning the building down. How about calling the lousy contraction that over-bid the building and ask why he is not paying his people.

ProfessorTinker says...

That’s the spirit Dr. Minnis, you have to continue to expose the flip flopping and deceptive tactics that this administration is doing on a daily bases. Bahamians will begin to ball in the 3rd quarter because VAT will increase to 15%. Also when NHI first came out they were discussing 5% now it already at 5.8%. The government has continued to fail to realize that they are dealing with a small population of people. Only larger populations of at least 750000 can handle these tax provision if not the tax rate in this country with a lousy unaccountable government will be 40% plus. This will alienate the people out of their own country.

ProfessorTinker says...

There are many other abbreviations that can give the doctor title in academia, for example the President of COB does not have a PHd he is an Ed, which is a specialization of education.
Many others.

On PhDs at COB?

Posted 28 February 2015, 9:59 p.m. Suggest removal

ProfessorTinker says...

I am really starting to believe they are only talking among themselves in cabinet.

On Govt will not own 51% of mobile provider

Posted 13 February 2015, 4:52 p.m. Suggest removal

ProfessorTinker says...

Yes, yes , yes. The police can not even define traffic enforcement. Everyone in Nassau is in a rush to go no where. Sad case of affairs totally sad. I am more than curious if the honda was over taking another vehicle.

ProfessorTinker says...

Bahamalove she went there to figure out how to outsmart and beat the system to be able to inform the number boys.

ProfessorTinker says...

The bottom line here with this entire immigration flip flop, makes the Bahamas government look like they are out of control. Everything thing that Mitchell is doing from a legal position is illegal. Government can't and should not enforce laws base on policy. Policies are not laws. Everything Mitchell is doing can be strike down in Bahamian Courts because it was unlawful and it is not the law o the land. Mitchell is a lawyer and YA think he should know this. Unless he just doesn't care and will let Christie take the slack for it then he is strategic. He did say “Christie Administration Policies."

No position of the government should supersede the constitution of the Bahamas because that is all we got. I don’t mind the government turning polices into law and then enforcing it because they did it the right way. But I don’t want t the Bahamas to suffer from the international criticism because the government is acting out side of the law. Because the internationally community is looking at the laws on the books compared to what the government is doing.

“Before the Fact” Ya can’t do something before Ya make the law. It will be dismissed.

On Mitchell hits back over immigration rules

Posted 3 February 2015, 5:21 p.m. Suggest removal

ProfessorTinker says...

This woman is the biggest dummy I have ever heard off. So she wants to put a gag order on the entire country. Get real lady, you should be indicted and all your assets sized for the nolle prosequi case that was handle by Fitzgerald on your behalf whom also should be indicted. Felons are running the Bahamas.

ProfessorTinker says...

Junkanoo Fiesta is what they need to change the name to. As I stated on the Steve McKinney show that Junkanoo Carnival is a battle of national identity. The government can still pivot and save the day. There needs to be no invitation of any foreign artist that the government will set a precedent on paying them a crazy fee for there performance it will set a bad precedent for Bahamian artist.

Whomever advise these guys did not give them the real data that carnivals throughout the world are supported anywhere from 80-85% locals, and the other 15 to 20% is from the returning Diaspora. This thing might get max 10 t0 15% new visitors.

Also the timing for this event in the Bahamas is wrong. This event should be during Spring Break when colleges are on break from mid March to Mid April or during the summer from Mid May/June through late August.

Final word, not bad mouthing anything, I wish the best for the country but there return on investment will be minimal. The government will not make the projected return on investment. I am predicting a tremendous lost, not like its anything new. But....................
Population of Trinidad is 1.3 Million.
Population of Brazil is 200 Million.
Population of the Bahamas is 375 Thousand (Plus the majority of the people don’t support it)
Do I need to say anymore? Carnivals core base support is from the local people. I attended Junkanoo last year and to conservatively say, I doubt there were 7500 people down town and that is very high. So do the math, that is only 2% of the population of the Bahamas, and 3.5% of Nassau population.