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ProfessorTinker says...

Hello Duppy Vat you stated

"what is wrong with making bay street (hilton to the bridge) a vehicle free zone????????? this is something that is 20 years overdue ............. its the only solution to cleaning up bay street and making it worth browsing for locals and tourists alike."

This is an excellent idea. It will make the area less congested, cleaner, brighter and it can create an industry for bike cycle rental. The blockage can start from the Hilton down to the first red light which is East Street. Free Car Zone. Also the back road behind the straw market by Senior Frog.

Good idea Duppy Vat, I will air this on the radio when I return next week.

ProfessorTinker says...

All these old goons don't want to take criticism or give up power. People wake p and smell the coffee. Enough is Enough. These people got to go. They are out of touch and the people are out of luck.

On Nottage hits back at Smith over criticisms

Posted 25 June 2014, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal

ProfessorTinker says...

Bahamian people wake up and smell the coffee. Mr. Miller news to step down in Grace. Be a martyr for the rest of the crooks or be prosecuted and Disgraced. He did not pay for years, paid in cash which was illegal because of the amount. If he is not able to show a trail of that money so prosecute. What is the problem. I don't get it.

ProfessorTinker says...

This PLP PM really thinks he is so dammmmmm smart. But he is only a smart 1/2 of a jack ass Brave Davis was seen having a ball at one of the web shop owners party. They don't think the Bahamian people know that they are getting paid off. So they come up with 8 license only when there are 35 companies operating. "Before the Fact" You can't make legislation before the fact. If it was illegal to pen these businesses then they all should be shut down. If it was never illegal then all the business should be legal base on the definition of "Before the Fact" and then just regulate the hell out of them. I see this as a potential war and creating more division among the people and more illegal activity. Create the legislation, grant all existing shops and no future shops. Enforce the law and set the demands of the shop and when they stray from the law the ultimate penalty would be loss of license.

Wake up Bahamian people, you all voted these Cow Boys in so hold them to what they sold you all during the elections.

ProfessorTinker says...

I agree. They need to encourage other airlines to fly here. Have some of then to build head quarters here.

On YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Future up in the air

Posted 3 June 2014, 7:02 p.m. Suggest removal

ProfessorTinker says...

If they take at Uncle Sam, he got out of the Business of owning much of anything a long time ago. Government can't effective run anything much less in many cases run the country. Bahamas air has so of the most laziest people in the airline industry. So much curry favor makes it impossible for the dammm airline to make any money. The damm pilot is holding the plane back waiting on his mistress.

This is a must but sadly speaking with privatization there will be massive job cuts but it is needed. If the PM need a flag carrier for his trips, then the government can buy a small plane for that purpose and get rid of Bahamas Air. Look at Trinidad and Jamaica. BWIA out of Trinidad was privatize because of money loss and corruption and Caribbean Airline was born and then Air Jamaica was in trouble and Caribbean Airlines bought Air Jamaica.

If Bahamian investors can't afford to buy it, then sell it to Caribbean Airlines. They will allow the country to Keep the name as Bahamas Air. Furthermore there is enough private companies that fly into the Bahamas already. If they don't sell it one thing they should look at is downsizing that massive route they got and stop lying empty.

ProfessorTinker says...

Thanks for the all the laughs. But like someone above side, party restructure and saying good buy to 50% of the ignorant members is very important going forward. But sadly speaking everyone in the party wants to be Chief of the Party. Ingram needs not to return but be a supporter of the Chief. These same old faces from the time the country got independence is pathetic. There needs to be new blood, bold speakers with nothing of interest except the rebuilding of the nation.

Like Bob Marley said.

"Top Rankin'"

They don't want to see us unite:
All they want us to do is keep on fussing and fighting.
They don't want to see us live together:
All they want us to do is keep on killing one another.

Top rankin', top rankin':
Are you skankin' (skankin', skankin')?
Are you skankin' (skankin', skankin')?
Wo-ho, top rankin' (top rankin'), 'Ow, did you mean what you say now?
Are you - 'ow are you (rankin', rankin') -
are ya - Lord, Lord, Lord! (skankin', skankin')?

They say the blood runs;
And it runs through our line,
And our hearts, heart of hearts divine, eh!
And John saw them comin', ooh! - a-with the truth
From an ancient time.

The brotherly love (brotherly love), the sisterly love (sisterly love)
I feel this morning; I feel this morning:
Brotherly love (brotherly love), the sisterly love (sisterly love)
I feel this morning, this morning. Hey!

On FNM deputy may go for leadership

Posted 3 June 2014, 6:47 p.m. Suggest removal

ProfessorTinker says...

This is what happen when there are no institutions to educate the young generation on there system of government and how it works and when the work force is mostly servants. I don't know what will happen when the shit hits the fan. All these MP or 90% of them are lawyers and they are just screwing this country up.

ProfessorTinker says...

I must say, Bahamians need to stop voting party line. This is what happens when ya vote party line and don't listen to the garbage that the candidates are saying.

Hypothetically speaking these number could be a little off.

Population 350000 Out of the 350000 -50,000 don't need to work. 300000-100000 are under 18 or still in school. 200000-75000 are retired and over 65 or older. 125000-12000 are disable So that left us with 113000 people that will directly suffer the brunt of the VAT and the rest of the people will suffer even more because they are not generating an income.

Jamaica, Trinidad, Guyana and where every else this VAT is working is a night and day difference from the Bahamas. There populations are about 3 to 5 times largely and they don't depend on Tourism.

So for this stupid PM to come up with such a ridiculous piece of BS legislation is just beyond me. Bahamian people wake the hell up before you start fleeing your country. If the government that you all just voted in is inept then demand a recall on the election or demand and early election and vote this Jack Ass out. Because only you and you alone will face the music. These guys are set they have money and they will escape paying the taxes.

Throw the dam mace out the window!!!!!!!!!!! ahahaha

On New V.A.T. rate to be 7.5%

Posted 1 June 2014, 11:20 p.m. Suggest removal

ProfessorTinker says...

Thanks KM. this guy is not wasting any time because he knows he will never get in office again.

On VAT will be delayed until January, 2015

Posted 1 June 2014, 11:18 p.m. Suggest removal