Comment history

Proguing says...

Don't force people to use digital payment options until the government can provide reliable power to the country.

Proguing says...

Wrong, it should read "the Bahamas among most exposed to sanctions on Russia". The war itself has no impact on the Bahamas.

Proguing says...

Look he had to resign in shame with everyone having abandoned him in his own party (this did not even happen with Minnis). The UK economy is in shambles, the Pound is in free fall, inflation at record high, people have to choose between eating and heating their home. etc. so please don’t come with the BS “ he had everyone receive shots with an experimental vaccine that does not work”….As for Putin he must be celebrating right now. Here is the Russian point of view, enjoy:…

Proguing says...

Good riddance, he cared more about Ukraine than his own country. When politicians forget what they have been elected for, they don’t last very long…

Proguing says...

Title should read: "Erroneous government COVID policies sparked rare $1.7bn ‘dual deficit’"

Proguing says...

Hoping that the Bahamas can be truly independent and not have its policies dictated by other countries.

Proguing says...

Sanctions are a total failure. They have not achieved a thing in Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, North Korea and Russia, except to reinforce the regime in place and to impoverish the people. On the other hand, as with the case of the sanctions on Russia, they resulted in worldwide inflation not seen since the 80s, and for Europe it will be even worse with a recession and blackouts. This self inflected damage will lead to riots and voters will send a whole generation of inept politicians to retirement.

On Sanctions harm Bahamas

Posted 6 July 2022, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

I am not sure that there is much future in an asset that can lose over 70% of its value over a period of a few month...

Proguing says...

If we find a German ship filled with Nazi loot that sunk during WWII, I doubt very much that Germany can claim the loot...

Proguing says...

I agree with tribanon, and it's not worth wasting our time going to an international court that will side with Spain.