Comment history

Proguing says...

Journalism should serve as a balance of power in a democracy. Unfortunately, there are no more journalists (except maybe for Assange, but he is rotting in jail for having disclosed war crimes). They have been replaced by reporters who spread propaganda for Western wars, as we have seen with the WMD lies, the false Nayirah testimony and every other Western military operation. The only time CNN said that Trump looked Presidential is when he bombed Syria. However for Trump to maintain four years of peace, which is a rare achievement for a US president has no merit to the eyes of the media.

On Media narrative on Ukraine wrong

Posted 22 March 2022, 4:02 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Yep, let's increase or taxes or introduced new taxes and all our problems will be fixed.

That worked really well with VAT!

And people get paid at the IMF for saying such foolishness...

Proguing says...

Lol, Russian Oligarchs are no match for our Bahamian Oligarchs….

On $2.92Bn of Russian funds in Bahamas

Posted 21 March 2022, 2:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

yep, for the "good of humanity"

On $2.92Bn of Russian funds in Bahamas

Posted 21 March 2022, 12:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

How much of that money is already on it's way to Dubai and other non-aligned financial centres?

It would also be interesting to know about Chinese money, since they are likely to be targeted next.

On $2.92Bn of Russian funds in Bahamas

Posted 21 March 2022, 9:42 a.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Let's replace it with Blackbeard, at least he is more representative of our past...

On No decision on Columbus statue

Posted 19 March 2022, 7:34 a.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Well, we can thank Trump for 4 years of peace. Something quite exceptional for a US President. His predecessors all started wars that ended in total disasters, as we have seen in Afghanistan. Of course, there was never any condemnation by the "international community" as these wars were conducted for the good of “humanity”. As for Putin he knew too well that he could not pull something like this Ukraine invasion with Trump in charge. He waited for a weak US President to be in place to make his move.

I really miss the good old days when people had nothing to complain about except for “mean” tweets.

Proguing says...

Well Obama got a Nobel peace prize for a good speech...just saying

Proguing says...

"The Bahamas is a respected .....member of the international community of nations" sure, that is why the Euros have been putting us on every black list they could think of in the last 20 years...

"The world must stand up to Russia" This is not taking place. Do you know that countries that either abstained or voted against condemning Russia in the UN vote contain more than half 53 percent of the world's population?

Proguing says...

Interesting point of view from South Africa's President Ramaphosa: “The war could have been avoided if NATO had heeded the warnings from amongst its own leaders and officials over the years that its eastward expansion would lead to greater, not less, instability in the region,”

"The approach that we have chosen to take, which is appreciated by many, is that we are insisting that there should be dialogue. Screaming and shouting is not going to bring an end to this conflict.”