Comment history

Proguing says...

The UK government has refused to divulge any details about the first ever death of someone infected with the Omicron variant, leading one professor to assert that the person likely died with Omicron and not from it....

Proguing says...

You don't think it has to do with better managing the affairs of their island?

Proguing says...

How does that prevent us from using them as a model?

Proguing says...

Yep this shows the consequences of independence...

Proguing says...

Cayman islands, no VAT, no income tax and almost no debt:

"Moody's expect Cayman's government debt will reach 9% of GDP in 2022"

In other words the problem in the Bahamas is with government spending and tax collection, adding more taxes as we have seen with VAT will just make the matter worse

Proguing says...

Not true, there are many nations with low government debt, Russia, Chile and Switzerland for example

And of course the model country that we should follow:

"Moody's expect Cayman's government debt will reach 9% of GDP in 2022"…

Proguing says...

Sir, you are correct, Caymans is the model for the Bahamas to follow, not some countries that are far worst than us...

Proguing says...

I remember the good old days when there was no VAT and the national debt was below 50% to GDP. But then our politicians declared that we needed to pay back our debt and introduced VAT. Oh the irony!

Proguing says...

Well it did not take them long to demonstrate that they are no better than Minnis to lead the country...

On UPDATED: Health officials block carnival

Posted 10 December 2021, 3:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

The worst thing the Bahamas can do is to listen to the IMF