Comment history

Proguing says...

Hmmm what about the 12% tax on purchase and the annual property tax. That also makes money for the Treasury.

Proguing says...

We live in a country with unreliable internet and power supply, so whenever any of the two are down, no electronic payment can be processed. Has anyone thought about this?

Proguing says...

A stolen plane? I wonder what it was carrying?

Proguing says...

Someone needs to take them to court, cash is the only legal tender. Government cannot refuse payment of the very same currency it prints. This is idiotic beyond comprehension.

Proguing says...

Hmmm the current POTUS thinks that Bush stole the 2000 election, does that make him a qanon?

On We have the right to refuse

Posted 6 July 2021, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

The Bahamas cannot afford to “sideline itself”

Why not? Ireland and Bermuda are doing it. Why do we always have to side with what benefits other countries and not the Bahamas?

Proguing says...

Between paying cash or with Sand Dollar, I choose cash....

Proguing says...

Maybe when criminals stop shooting at the police?

Proguing says...

yep, so much for the "game changer"...

Proguing says...

Best categories have Pfizer and Moderna vaccines

On ‘I want us in best COVID categories’

Posted 30 June 2021, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal