So, cruise ship passengers staring their cruise from the Bahamas are taking all the available airline seats from the regular hotel tourists. Who could have seen this coming?
Breaking news: the UK wants the City of London to be exempted from the deal struck by G-7 nations to collect more taxes from big global companies. Chancellor Rishi Sunak is expected to make the case that financial services, including global banks with head offices in London, should get a break. Will the PM request the same for the City of Nassau?
And again Mr. Allen from his Ivory tower thinks that the super rich pay a lot of taxes in other countries which is totally false as revealed by the IRS files: "In 2007, Jeff Bezos, then a multibillionaire and now the world’s richest man, did not pay a penny in federal income taxes. He achieved the feat again in 2011. In 2018, Tesla founder Elon Musk, the second-richest person in the world, also paid no federal income taxes.
Michael Bloomberg managed to do the same in recent years. Billionaire investor Carl Icahn did it twice. George Soros paid no federal income tax three years in a row."
"No one among the 25 wealthiest avoided as much tax as Buffett, the grandfatherly centibillionaire. That’s perhaps surprising, given his public stance as an advocate of higher taxes for the rich." He paid " a true tax rate of 0.1%, or less than 10 cents for every $100 he added to his wealth.'
Mr. Allen from his ivory tower does not understand that many Bahamians don’t have sufficient resources to purchase all the basic food items they need. To argue that a reduction of prices by way of tax exemption does not help the poor is ludicrous.
Many other countries apply the tax exemptions like South Africa:
Proguing says...
For clarity: tax reform = tax increases
What about reducing government expenses? Why nobody is talking about it?
On FACTS ON DEBT: Sands warns painful tax reforms can no longer be avoided
Posted 10 June 2021, 5:02 p.m. Suggest removal
Proguing says...
Proudloud break your shackels and free yourself from the Democratic plantation
On Black Lives Matter ‘hypocrites’
Posted 10 June 2021, 4:48 p.m. Suggest removal
Proguing says...
Proudloud, your idol Biden claims that the 2000 election were stolen, please show us the proof?
On Black Lives Matter ‘hypocrites’
Posted 10 June 2021, 4:39 p.m. Suggest removal
Proguing says...
So, cruise ship passengers staring their cruise from the Bahamas are taking all the available airline seats from the regular hotel tourists. Who could have seen this coming?
On Airline pricing causes tourist ‘deterrent’ fear
Posted 10 June 2021, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal
Proguing says...
The answer is easy: the ones they don't want to use...
On Which U.S. vaccines will we be sent?
Posted 9 June 2021, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal
Proguing says...
Breaking news: the UK wants the City of London to be exempted from the deal struck by G-7 nations to collect more taxes from big global companies. Chancellor Rishi Sunak is expected to make the case that financial services, including global banks with head offices in London, should get a break. Will the PM request the same for the City of Nassau?
On Ex-AG: ‘No cause to panic’ over 15% tax
Posted 9 June 2021, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal
Proguing says...
Unlikely with the current leadership
On Bahamas can’t be ‘burnt’ over 15% corporate taxes
Posted 8 June 2021, 3:26 p.m. Suggest removal
Proguing says...
"what did we get back from the introduction of VAT?" nothing except a lot more debt...
On Ex-AG: ‘No cause to panic’ over 15% tax
Posted 8 June 2021, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal
Proguing says...
And again Mr. Allen from his Ivory tower thinks that the super rich pay a lot of taxes in other countries which is totally false as revealed by the IRS files: "In 2007, Jeff Bezos, then a multibillionaire and now the world’s richest man, did not pay a penny in federal income taxes. He achieved the feat again in 2011. In 2018, Tesla founder Elon Musk, the second-richest person in the world, also paid no federal income taxes.
Michael Bloomberg managed to do the same in recent years. Billionaire investor Carl Icahn did it twice. George Soros paid no federal income tax three years in a row."
"No one among the 25 wealthiest avoided as much tax as Buffett, the grandfatherly centibillionaire. That’s perhaps surprising, given his public stance as an advocate of higher taxes for the rich." He paid " a true tax rate of 0.1%, or less than 10 cents for every $100 he added to his wealth.'…
On Exemptions are a cruel gimmick
Posted 8 June 2021, 3:04 p.m. Suggest removal
Proguing says...
Mr. Allen from his ivory tower does not understand that many Bahamians don’t have sufficient resources to purchase all the basic food items they need. To argue that a reduction of prices by way of tax exemption does not help the poor is ludicrous.
Many other countries apply the tax exemptions like South Africa:…
On Exemptions are a cruel gimmick
Posted 8 June 2021, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal