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Proguing says...

"Janet Yellen, the US treasury secretary, last week pushed for a minimum global corporate tax rate of 21 percent - something that would represent a giant, potentially unsustainable leap for nations such as The Bahamas" and to think that some Bahamians were stupid enough to support Biden. The blacklists are not far off and once again the Bahamas will have to capitulate to these threats and to get rid of the last advantage that we have over our competitors.

Proguing says...

At least it would make sense if he was going to win...

Proguing says...

What is the percentage outside of their private island and private beach?

Proguing says...

Of course, thanks to Covid they are able to have cruises to Harbour island. But the people of Harbour island think otherwise.

Proguing says...

We can't build a cruise home port facility and when things are back to normal they all go back to the USA.

Proguing says...

I don't think we want to be like Biden's America, with open borders, giving stimulus checks and free Covid tests to illegals immigrants, and soon they will all receive residency papers and be able vote for the Democrats to ensure the flow never stops.

Proguing says...

Hummm strange that none of the criminal defenders are asking where were the body cams??? Maybe it's because the Farm residents did not shoot at the police? And where are the Biden supporters? Don't they also want open borders for the Bahamas?

Proguing says...

So you support Biden who is for letting illegal immigrants into the USA and giving them residency papers, but you are against it when it's for the Bahamas. You are looking more like a Trumpie everyday!

Proguing says...

Are you assisting your "superior" president to draft the next blacklist to bully the Bahamas into submission?

Proguing says...

Your superior President who can't say a phrase without his teleprompter, is already working on WWIII and a new blacklist for the Bahamas. As for the election I see that you are a good disciple of Goebbels who said "if you keep repeating a lie, people will eventually come to believe it".