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Proguing says...

Can't do it in Freeport, you don't have the same airline connections as with Nassau

On 'Game changer' for tourism's jumpstart

Posted 11 March 2021, 9:05 a.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Great, looking forward to the long lines at the airport...

BTW if cruise ships start using the Bahamas as "home port", this must be to avoid compliance with something in the US. Can the Tribune find out what it is?

On 'Game changer' for tourism's jumpstart

Posted 11 March 2021, 8:23 a.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Who cares about the Tax Justice Network? The Bahamas as a tax haven is all we have left now that banking secrecy has been abolished.

This piece sounds like a book I just read called Vichy France, by Robert Paxton. The historian explains how the Vichy government often acted in anticipation of Nazi requests, in order to please the Fuhrer. Needless to say, it did not end well for them...

Proguing says...

"Today is the most delightful and joyous day of my life" I'm not sure Mrs. Minnis will like that...

On First vaccines arrive in The Bahamas

Posted 10 March 2021, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

From Wikipedia on self-determination:

“The right of a people to self-determination is a cardinal principle in modern international law, binding, as such, on the UN as authoritative interpretation of the Charter's norms. It states that people, based on respect for the principle of equal rights and fair equality of opportunity, have the right to freely choose their sovereignty and international political status with no interference.”

“During World War II, the principle was included in the Atlantic Charter, declared on 14 August 1941, by Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States, and Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, who pledged The Eight Principal points of the Charter. It was recognized as an international legal right after it was explicitly listed as a right in the UN Charter”

Therefore, the EU tax requirements and threats on other nations are an explicit violation of an international legal right and the UN Charter. Will the Bahamas government grow some balls and call on the UN to stop these violations?

Proguing says...

The PLP needs to do like the Democrats, promise a $1,400 cheque for everyone if elected. That should do the trick.

Proguing says...

Good, will they also give out free washing machines (I need a new one)?

Proguing says...

There are two possible reasons for Minnis to call an election now:

1. Minnis thinks he will win the election on his handling of Covid

2. Minnis must implement a substantial increase in taxes, which he can only do after an election

Proguing says...

and less old. But isn't it funny that those who push for diversity nominate Biden as a Presidential candidate?

On Diversity and politics

Posted 8 March 2021, 1:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

I use cash, it works perfectly especially when the power is down...