Comment history

Proguing says...

Good one!

Proguing says...

The Bahamas has over a third of its work force employed in the public sector vs 12.9% in Germany and 13.3% in the USA.

Think about that for a minute....

Proguing says...

I have not read so much nonsense for a while. Do we really want to scare away rich foreigners and investors with all this income tax talk? The Bahamas has been a magnet for the rich for many years, do we really want to end this?

This is a good example that people pushing for income tax have no clue what they are talking about. Had Izmirlian been successful with Baha Mar (the largest foreign investment on New Providence island’s history), he would not be paying taxes in another country as claimed here, he is a resident of Lyford Cay and thus fall under the Bahamian tax regime. If we had income tax he would most likely have chosen another place for his residence.

The Bahamas was one of the few countries to have banking secrecy. We gave up this advantage and we are now on equal footing with other countries. The result is that most offshore banks have left this jurisdiction. Now you want us to give up one the last thing that makes the Bahamas attractive on the map? Do you really want this country to be the next Haiti?

The problems that we need to fix are:

1. Low compliance with tax collection

2. Over bloated civil service and government waste

Just as an example, the Bahamas has over a third of its work force employed in the public sector vs 12.9% in Germany and 13.3% in the USA. If you want the Bahamas to be like other developed countries, you should be pushing for major cuts in civil servants.

On Why we need income tax

Posted 25 February 2021, 5:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Any news on the damage to the sea beds by Carnival?

On Carnival chief: Nassau needs more than port

Posted 25 February 2021, 8:47 a.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Looks like we are being prepared for the slaughterhouse...

Will Peter Turnquest be next in this concerted income tax campaign ?

Proguing says...

Good Wikipedia link which shows that we have one of the highest number of public sector employees as a percentage of the total workforce, and since the figure is from 2009, this percentage is certainly higher now.

Can you believe that one of these "donkeys" calls this "austerity"???

On ‘Tax system is broken’

Posted 24 February 2021, 4:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

You need to watch the you tube video...

Proguing says...

You mean like Biden liar:…

Proguing says...

The only thing broken is tax collection and adding more taxes is not going to fix it.

Why are all these new tax articles coming out now? This looks like a coordinated effort by a handful of individuals to shove down the throat of Bahamians even more taxes.

On ‘Tax system is broken’

Posted 24 February 2021, 3:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Health warning: if the police asks you to stop, do not try to run over the police...