Comment history

Proguing says...

There are several documentaries on this despicable individual on Youtube, all worth watching...

Proguing says...

Those $600m have probably ballooned to $800 by now. No new taxes until every penny of due taxes are collected! Also, Government must like all businesses in difficulty cut expenses.

Proguing says...

Trickle-down economics is the stimulation of the economy by the reduction of taxes. It's never happened here and will never happen. All we will have seen are increases of taxes with has resulted in no benefits to the ordinary citizens and an exploding debt. Unfortunately we will see a lot more of that in future years

On PLP and vested interests

Posted 3 February 2021, 3:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

You need to resurrect the Vanguard Nationalist and Socialist Party. Maybe Cuba will give you some financial support.

On PLP and vested interests

Posted 3 February 2021, 2:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Will she be pushing Biden’s transgender agenda on the Bahamas?

On There’s a new chargé in charge

Posted 3 February 2021, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Well I guess we will not be reading any more letters from Canadians complaining that the Bahamian government is making it too difficult for them to get here. Maybe they can now direct their letters to their idiotic Prime Minister.

Proguing says...

Increase in taxes lead to higher deficits, which lead to higher taxes, which lead to higher deficits and so on until bankruptcy...

On Gross govt borrowing leaps four-fold to $2bn

Posted 1 February 2021, 3:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

This is ridiculous. The government can’t even collect the simplest form of taxation, such as property tax (you can’t hide your house), how are they going to do it with the most complex form of taxation? The only form of taxation that works in the Bahamas is VAT, because it is collected by the private sector, at the cost of the private sector. You can bet that the cost of implementing income tax in this country will be higher than any tax collected. Do we really need more civil servants doing nothing except driving around in government owned cars on weekends? Why do we keep digging deeper the whole that we are in?

On Govt ‘discussing’ income tax reform

Posted 29 January 2021, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

After the China virus, the China masks, here comes the China vaccine. They got everything covered.

Proguing says...

"The Atlantis move is the first tangible sign of the chilling effect the Biden administration’s" yep, and unfortunately there will be more...