Comment history

Proguing says...

No rebound coming with Biden, more like a double dip...and he has not even started talking about opening up Cuba.

Proguing says...

The situation is worse in Europe, you're going to blame the previous President for that too?

Proguing says...

This is great news? I assume that you are not working in the tourism sector.
Apparently you did not read the whole article. Here are some bits:

"Crippling Blow"

“Tourism Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar says could be a devastating blow to the Bahamian economy.”

“This news is devastating”

“This is bringing instability to the travel market, uncertainty and that will deter people from travelling internationally.

“It’s quite depressing really.”

“This is a body blow.”

Proguing says...

I predicted that a Robinette Biden administration would be disastrous for the Bahamas. At the time the Biden groupies laughed at me. Where are these fools now?

Proguing says...

Ignore this Vanguardist, I heard he did not even last one week in Cuba...

Proguing says...

More bad news from the Biden administration:

"Biden poised to undo Trump directive lifting travel ban on most of Europe and Brazil"…

Proguing says...

Godspeed you make the most accurate analysis.

Proguing says...

What would have happened if the police was all black?

Proguing says...

You can call that the Robinette Biden effect...

On Major PI resort to shut Sunday

Posted 18 January 2021, 2:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Well they did try to save the largest hotel at a huge cost to taxpayers. What did the previous administration do for Freeport?

On Credit bureau to hit 30% of borrowers

Posted 18 January 2021, 2:09 p.m. Suggest removal