Comment history

Proguing says...

I never understood the logic of lowering duty and the costs to land electric vehicles like Teslas. These are cars only the rich can afford. The Bahamian who imports a 10 years old Cube will pay more (in percentage) than the Lyford Cay millionaire who buys a Tesla. To add insult to injury the government was subsidizing the cost of electricity in the last months.

Also, as we burn bunker fuel to produce electricity there is no ecological argument for EVs in the Bahamas.

On Zero logic on electric vehicles

Posted 9 November 2022, 8:31 a.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Yep, it would have been better to put $65m in the island infrastructure. This is the role of government. Buying dilapidated hotels on the other hand is not what the government is supposed to do, but we never learn...

Proguing says...

Can we get downgraded any lower?

Proguing says...

Charlie Harper should do some research before posting his left wing opinion pieces. The man who allegedly attacked Paul Pelosi is an illegal immigrant, so if someone is to blame it is the US government for not cracking down on illegal aliens.

On STATESIDE: Political violence in the US

Posted 4 November 2022, 8:46 a.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

We need price control regulations for attorneys. Maximum $20 per hour!

Proguing says...

This is like in Venezuela, but without the oil...

Proguing says...

The shady companies will tend to gravitate around the politically connected law firms, thinking that they could be protected in some way. So that could be another red flag.

Proguing says...

A little tip for the regulators. Any company that uses the name “Swiss” with no tie to Switzerland is a big red flag. We had Suisse Security Bank & Trust owned by Mr. Harajchi aka the Sheik, which ended up just like Swiss-America.

We also had Banakor Swisse, a boiler room on Bay Street across from Junkanoo Beach.

Proguing says...

You sound like a broken record and your EURO/UK model is in a terminal crisis...

On Too little but not too late

Posted 17 October 2022, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Blacklisting + downgrade. That's two black eyes for this country in one week. We can't take another punch!