Comment history

Purcell says...

Any Bahamian paying property tax is a blithering idiot.

Purcell says...

How about mentioning the favorite Bahamian past time of making babies all over the place when referencing God and sins?

Purcell says...

It is cheaper to buy politicians than a license and pay taxes. Of course they would be better off.

Purcell says...

Collect property taxes that are in arrears. No need for VAT. Punish those who are behind instead of the entire population.

On Halkitis puts VAT back up in the air

Posted 7 March 2014, 8:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Purcell says...

The Bahamas is pining to be a banana republic. Unfortunately we will never be able to reach that high.

Purcell says...

Why not ignore the results of the next general election too? What is the point of voting with these two bunch of criminals being the only game people will vote for in town?

Purcell says...

They are going to be roaming the streets before Easter I guarantee it. The only difference the dude will be wearing two bracelets.

On Two arrested after robbery

Posted 5 March 2014, 5:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Purcell says...

Venezuela has price controls. The Bahamas is turning into a communist regime? Prices are rising because the government runs BEC, raised business licence fees and the US Fed creating money out of thin air. It is much easier to blame the businessmen who have no media power like the government.

Purcell says...

I don't understand why have referendums costing millions if we are going to just ignore the results and holding other ones. I guess it makes as much sense as having laws of property tax and ignore them introducing new taxes instead. The Bahamas are ruled by cleptocrats and we deserve the government we have. Otherwise we would be outraged up our act.

On 'PM boxed-in but must now move forward'

Posted 5 March 2014, 5:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Purcell says...

I never knew pilots had wheels on them.

On Pilot collapses while landing

Posted 5 March 2014, 5:07 p.m. Suggest removal