Comment history

Puzzled says...

It is the Bahamian way

Puzzled says...

So what is the headline? Head in the clouds? Look for the silver lining?

Puzzled says...

What about the female police officer who issued the first report on the death? Where is she now? She saw nothing wrong!!

Puzzled says...

Interesting, Shame supported the union members who "invaded" the BTC offices after the dismissal of a union member and yet here he is threatening the BEC union members with jail sentences when they are also protesting the dismissal of one of their members, I assume that they were surprised by the Ministers reaction to their protest! The difference is that he is not impartial and has a vested interest in seeing BTC brought down by Bahamians

On Jail threat to BEC staff

Posted 5 April 2013, 11:27 a.m. Suggest removal

Puzzled says...

Well said Banker!

The minister should get together with his cabinet colleagues to work out how to upgrade the education system that seems to think that D's and E's are satisfactory exam results.

The product of this system is a youth that has the Bahamian 'entitlement' chant down pat and does not realise that employment is a 2 way street, maybe there is a way of paying them on a results basis especially in the service industries.

I agree that there is a large majority who may not be untrainable but are certainly unwilling to learn. There are training programs at all the leading hotels and Minister, tell me that you get high end service consistently at all of the locations.

This lack of suitable employees starts with the government and in the Bahamian home.Just look at our 1/4 miler as a role model for our youth.

Puzzled says...

None of this article would be necessary if MEN could just keep their pants done up!

On Advice on protecting yourself from rapists

Posted 25 March 2013, 11:47 a.m. Suggest removal

Puzzled says...

Anyone reading this article seems to have the same feeling what on earth is all this verbiage about?

Try Googling "Blackwood Pointe" and World Mart. This article comes up for the former and several Bahamas hits come up for World Mart. However it is interesting that one of the pages gives a link to that just does not exist except as a domain owned by 'Kenneth Hutton'

I would have thought that secrecy is the last thing that a development of this magnitude needs, especially if it is in the hospitality business. Maybe it is not exactly what it seems!

On $225m project exits Freeport

Posted 22 March 2013, 12:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Puzzled says...

Surely if Mr Bostwick and the SGI Global Holdings want to sell this concept to the Bahamian Government and people, why not give some illustrations and examples of previous successful projects. If you check the SGI webpage there is no mention of Floating Power Stations. If you go to a Floating Power Station webpage you will find that currently these units are designed for inland sheltered water ways and not open sea, especially if there is risk of storms.The "other" newspaper features a picture of a Floating Power Station, but it is a wind turbine generating plant! This is all starting to sound like the deep water cooling company that was going to do the A/C chilled water for Bahamar (and incidentally a scheme for BEC). Checking their webpage revealed that they had started a couple of projects for the US government, but neither came to completion. I am not saying that this proposal is in that league, but if it really requires public support (and after all who does not want lower utility bills?) then state some facts and not try to sell concepts backed up by hypothetical figures. There is no doubt that there are large companies looking for a site off shore to set up a test bed to develop their designs without the risk of running foul of environmental agencies should things not go too well for them.

Puzzled says...

"Are we not about the truth". What happened to this story "Appeal In Millionaires' Dispute Must Wait Until After Election". This involved our DPM and it seems to have vanished through the Bahamian legal cracks.

On Deputy PM: Oil talk 'irrelevant'

Posted 18 March 2013, 2:53 p.m. Suggest removal

Puzzled says...

Have you personally ever tried to train someone who is unwilling to learn or who thinks that they already know everything that you have to tell them, I can assure you you would rather employ outsiders!

On What happens if you turn down permits?

Posted 14 March 2013, 3:15 p.m. Suggest removal