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RB242F says...

Can we talk about their Dutch Sandwich tax scheme?

RB242F says...

The legacy that the Bahamas was a Tax Haven is so anchored in the mind of people in Europe that no matter what the Bahamas do, it will never be enough. EU Citizen would take their politics as a fool if they start to brag about the Bahamas no longer being a Tax Haven after all these years of bullying them.

I'm French and I'm a permanent resident of The Bahamas since 10 years, and seriously every time I say I live in The Bahamas when I'm Europe the eye of the people starts to shine and they start to fantasy about a suitcase of money passing border like in an old James Bond movie of the 70'

From there I try hard to do my part and explain that with FACTA and CRS the Bahamas is no longer a Tax Haven, and bored them to death with the reality... The USA is probably the only tax even today since they don't sign the EU Common Report Standard (CRS) while every other signed their FACTA Agreement, but it's less "exotic" and "sexy" for EU citizens to picture this reality.

Seriously the only way for the Bahamas to change this bias is maybe to invest massively in a terrible Television PR Campaign showing the hundreds of JOB lost in the financial industry the past 10 years, showing Societe General (French Bank) leaving the country after more than 20 years, and explain the fact that all the money flies to another tax haven long ago leaving your banking industry as it is today.

But still, nobody will cry for The Bahamas... Good luck with this reality.

RB242F says...

The legacy that the Bahamas was a Tax Haven is so anchored in the mind of people in Europe that no matter what the Bahamas do, it will never be enough. EU Citizen would take their politics as a fool if they start to brag about the Bahamas no longer being a Tax Haven after all these years of bullying them.

I'm French and I'm a permanent resident of The Bahamas since 10 years, and seriously every time I say I live in The Bahamas when I'm Europe the eye of the people starts to shine and they start to fantasy about a suitcase of money passing border like in an old James Bond movie of the 70'

From there I try hard to do my part and explain that with FACTA and CRS the Bahamas is no longer a Tax Haven, and bored them to death with the reality... The USA is probably the only tax even today since they don't sign the EU Common Report Standard (CRS) while every other signed their FACTA Agreement, but it's less "exotic" and "sexy" for EU citizens to picture this reality.

Seriously the only way for the Bahamas to change this bias is maybe to invest massively in a terrible Television PR Campaign showing the hundreds of JOB lost in the financial industry the past 10 years, showing Societe General (French Bank) leaving the country after more than 20 years, and explain the fact that all the money flies to another tax haven long ago leaving your banking industry as it is today.

But still, nobody will cry for The Bahamas... Good luck with this reality.