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REBEL242 says...

bannister is correct..............we are creating a country of the 'have's and the have's not'. those that have legal status in the bahamas and those that do not have legal status in the country. why should an already financially stressed government allow the children of illegals to attend school for free? again there are paths to legal status and the government is asking those paths to be utilized legally. all this talk contrary to these laws are simply pushing for a open border policy which would be complete chaos. every civilized country has immigration policies, why should bahamas be any different? i am sorry for those that have to return to their country but bahamians living in the us, canada, uk and europe that are found to be illegal must also return to bahamas. it is the way of the world.......either except it or leave. i may not agree with everything my government does but i am always proud to be a bahamian and i will not speak ill of my country or my people. we have problems but show me a country that doesn't...............


Posted 5 February 2015, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal