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RTStorm says...

More soca artists may have been signed and are on the way. LOL. . . . . I hope ALL can vote!!!! Perry dem will have to scrape the bottom of the barrel for votes come 2017.

On Soca star to be paid $100k for Carnival

Posted 1 April 2015, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

RTStorm says...

Smith and Georges (the two Stooges; perfect clowns; fake Bahamians, whatever you want to call them) – are absolutely determined to destroy this country’s international reputation and national economy by any means necessary. This (again) tells us where their loyalties truly lie. “Sympathizers” and “Bleeding hearts” who support their complete crap, need to wake up or shut up. These antics will only further strain relations between Bahamians and the Haitian community. Many will view this community with even more suspicion and negativity. Wherever there is an action - there is a Reaction.

RTStorm says...

At first I believed it was the same rock you call home - but apparently you’re from the Rock down South. That explains plenty.

RTStorm says...

As an independent nation we don’t HAVE to do anything to comply with demands from international organizations. We are just that: Independent, and a choice and free-will, will always exist. Some would say this comes with a price – then so be it. Survival lessons only build strength and respect; Cuba is a prime example. What you are describing here are shameful examples of a weak government of an independent nation succumbing to selfish demands of outside organizations, to the detriment of its citizens. This is nothing to be proud of. When the overall destruction of these actions are complete (some we are seeing already eg., the shrinkage of the Financial Services sector, unending job loss and the exorbitant rise in the cost of living); History will not judge these governments (PLP & FNM) favorably.

RTStorm says...

The government has two weeks to adopt these measures or else What?!?! What additional damage can these international pretenders do to the Bahamas that Fred Smith and Louby Georges have not foolishly done already? On the point of embarrassment … Really??? Embarrassing for whom – that class of boushey Bahamians who claim a monopoly on thought and civility??? What IS embarrassing are leaders with no backbone who cower in a corner each time international pretenders look at them sideways.

RTStorm says...

Deceitfulness?!?! You’re being too kind. They are down-right liars, thieves and professional bandits who cannot be trusted to manage any amount of money. Their next pillaging act will be to increase the VAT rate July 1, 2015 or by the end of the year. Wake Up Bahamas . . . especially you “diehards”.

On Consumers cutting back after VAT

Posted 20 January 2015, 10:53 a.m. Suggest removal

RTStorm says...

My point exactly . . . a slump only where (illegal) immigrants frequent. And two stores (or a few) on Carmichael Road does not equal the entire Bahamian economy. Note well: The less there are of foreign nationals crowding the job market – the less money or remittances leave the country annually. So more money remains and circulates in the Bahamian economy and people’s pockets. This is what is needed now. Fear mongering about an economic slow-down (because the immigration laws are being enforced) is unpatriotic and will Not Work. Check your facts/stats . . . then check again!!!

On ‘Terrified Haitians going into hiding’

Posted 6 November 2014, 10:56 p.m. Suggest removal

RTStorm says...

Are these Creole owned businesses that has seen this slump? Where did you get your statistics? Fact: The months of October and November are usually slow periods for retail businesses. This slump you are referring to can only have occurred where Immigrants or foreign nationals frequent. They usually support their communities first and purchase outside their communities only when needed. Their buying power with most Bahamian businesses is not substantive.

On ‘Terrified Haitians going into hiding’

Posted 6 November 2014, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal

RTStorm says...

A lack of education and a “cookie cutter approach" is not the main reason for the slow registration. Businesses and consumers simply DO NOT want this Tax. Simple! For businesses this tax is costly to implement and maintain; for consumers it will cost them a small fortune at the cash registers. No sane person is looking forward to a drastic increase in the cost of living - accept maybe those with the keys to the Public Treasury.

RTStorm says...

What nonsense!!! Self-appointed intellectuals playing the “sympathy” card, most certainly have contributed to this hellish problem. Understand . . . . An individual (for example) born to Haitian parents anywhere on earth, is legally a Citizen of Haiti. As such, consideration, compassion and empathy for societal integration should be shown such individuals BY the country of his/her citizenship. Notwithstanding current law, the Bahamas has no other obligation to citizens of another country.