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Rayhannah says...

Ya Know it's like foreigne investers same like once they are allow to open a business in a third world country , they own it and they can do what they want and how they want it done it's been happening in my Bahamas for a very long , long time , no matter what govement is in power at the time , they just fall in line with letting them do what ever they want , We as a people need to stand together , because when the foreigner brings his money and kill out all our natural elements they will depart leaving us with ??????????????????? Capo and his company are that kind of foreigne business people , they feel as now they own the Bahamas and we the peolple of the Bahamas have no right over him ..I'm out of a job because of what was done with Sakara and the Biminibay Resort will not give me a job ..Mr. Edwards looked out for the lesser people on the island of Bimini , the people that the resort will not give a job for what ever reason .I wanted to work , I needed a Job I went to Mr. Edwards and all he asked me is what can I do in the restaurant I told him and BINGO I had a job ..God Help Us

On Club owner in bid to jail Bimini developers

Posted 10 January 2014, 10:48 a.m. Suggest removal