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RealOne says...

We can change by first getting rid of all lawyer type politicians and replace them with honest men much like Dr. Neville.
• Next invest in higher education and technology related jobs, the focus is too much on Tourism which is only enslaving out people.
• Develop some of those larger outer islands that have absolutely nothing going on and invite major corporations to set up shop, at the same time distribute the population of Nassau.
• Go hard after ‘dead beat’ fathers who are having children ‘all over the place’ and not providing guidance or financial support.
• Set up program to educate the future generation (and I know some of you may be pissed at what I’m about to say, but this is the truth)… who are the children of the Haitian immigrants! They will one day be the majority and you don’t want the majority of your population uneducated. Don’t do it and see what condition the Bahamas would be in in the next 20 years or so. Recall Dr. Neville description in 1973, well it’s only going to get worst if we ignore this segment of the population.
• Start executions for criminal acts. To hell with the Privy Council. They don’t experience what we do on a daily basis.

RealOne says...

The US get to do whatever they want to with us anyway, and tell us what to do and how to do it. WHY, because we are heavily influence and dependent on the US. We need to go back to the day when England had our backs. That where the US won’t have us as puppets!
On the bright side, they won’t get much from tapping our phone calls anyway, half of it they won’t understand and the other half is all about who juicing who and what number fall…

RealOne says...

The Bahamian judicial system is too lenient on foreigners, especially white ones. We let these individuals get off too easy especially with their governments get involve. A Bahamian can’t go to another country commit a crime and get off so easily. Have no pity on her. She don’t need bail. Keep her locked up the same way you would any suspect in such a gruesome murder. She will adjust nicely in HMP.