Comment history

RealTalk says...

If it was not a 'money maker', why would you still be mining it after 40+ years?

If it was not a 'money maker', why invest tens of millions of dollars into equipment and labor?

If it was not 'money maker', why would you try to expand operations after 40+ years?

Just think about it. Don't assume everything on the internet is true. People lie, numbers don't.

On Protest over resources

Posted 5 November 2020, 9:18 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

"However, Chief Medical Officer Dr Pearl McMillan has revealed that one in 70 Bahamians have contracted COVID-19."

Let us be realistic for once! We only performed 2,500 tests before our "second wave" in July. From July until now we performed over 24,000 tests. It is a clear indication that we had no real data during the "first wave" because there was no testing done. There were 800 - 900 people at a time in quarantine!

My guess is that we have had 2-3 maybe even 4 times the reported number of positive cases thus far...

RealTalk says...

Things that make you go hmmmm....

RealTalk says...

You wasted 40 minutes of my day sir. Do you think that is okay? Of course, you do; we're on a minimum 2-week lockdown so all we got is the time right. Well, guess what, you are wrong! Only come to us when there is something of substance. These were answers the health team should have been able to provide to the media days ago!

Your job is to save lives...but what about the economy. Stop trying to play doctor and play PM. If you are not fit for the job or overwhelmed, then please step down and allow a finance person like K Peter Turnquest to take your place to get our economy going. This is frightening. We are running out of time. open the country. i usually ask with manners, so let me try again, open the country now!

RealTalk says...

Talk your talk Big Man

On Ayton: 'Respect us'

Posted 8 August 2020, 8:24 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

Did we ever acknowledge the additional 3 deaths?

On 36 new cases of COVID-19

Posted 4 August 2020, 9:52 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

This is like a nightmare that I can't wake up from...

Does the lockdown mean our borders are now closed?

On PM announces national lockdown

Posted 3 August 2020, 10:02 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

Why the hell is we on a **7 pm curfew**

Is the virus only working after 7 pm?

On 40 new cases of COVID-19

Posted 27 July 2020, 8:26 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

The Tribune is always trolling with the headline image πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚