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RealVoice242 says...

I don't want to make sound political, but Prime Minister Christie must be the most hypocritical, indecisive, Prime Minister that we have ever had in The Bahamas. I mean you cant take the people's money and wanna neglect them. I could careless if the legalize gambling or not but the truth is, its happening. Also we all as Bahamians are hypocrites because how can we think it okay for the tourist to come to the Bahamas and gamble but yet its suddenly "ungodly", "unethical", and "immoral" when Bahamians partake in it. I have never nor do I plan to ever purchase numbers nor spin but the reality is that its happening so it might as well be legalized. Now by no means am I saying that all of the arguments raised by the Vote Yes campaign are flawless, because so they claim that their business will enrich the economy , but how is that possible if there is no "new money" entering the economy. It just a circulation of the same money that was once there. From a macroeconomic point of view, it wont make a difference AT ALL, but at least when the government decides to imply income tax (which they will do before the upcoming fiscal year is up, because if you haven't noticed, we are broke, busted, by more that 5 billion dollars!!!!!!!) it wont be as high.

On 'Injunction granted to web shop operators'

Posted 30 January 2013, 12:55 p.m. Suggest removal