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Renegade says...

Laneisha Rolle is just dumb and wholly unsuited for for her appointment as Senator . She would do much better selling conch salad at Arawak Cay. However , all of the FNM Senators are second or third string and the FNM is desperately missing the calibre of men like Vanderpool-Wallace , Foulkes or a Delaney.
However , this is a reflection of the dumbest of them all , Hubert Minnis , the Leader of the Opposition.
The FNM is unique in this respect : the two Huberts represent the best and the worst of the Party.
Hubert Ingraham is perhaps the most successful prime minister in Bahamian history. Hubert Minnis wins the Oscar as the dumbest Party Leader in Bahamian history ! He makes Jeremy Corbyn in the UK look like a winner ! Guinness should be notified accordingly !

On FNM Senator finally gives public apology

Posted 9 March 2016, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Renegade says...

The constitution of the FNM by Article 51 calls for a convention at least once every two years . Patient and long suffering FNMs have given Minnis the benefit of the doubt for almost four years . He is singularly unqualified for the position of Leader of the Opposition. He lacks the intellectual equipment to be Prime Minister. He has no original thoughts . He operates in sound bytes. He is depressingly void of vision . He is a mean and petty man who keeps an enemies list . At least Christie is just lazy and vagarious. Any voter who thinks for a moment that this is an unduly harsh assessment should have tuned into the Parliamentary Channel last to be treated to a breathtaking display of inanity on the part of Minnis. Nothing in this article of Mr Gibson occludes this most telling conclusion. Minnis must go. He should have gone yesterday.

Renegade says...

I agree with both Publius and I am Citizen . You can call what Pintard proposes a retreat , meeting , a convocation , a rally in the alley but it won't be a convention as that term is understood anecdotally in the political world or in the FNM Constitution . This is just another corrupt maneuver by that chicken shit Minnis and his spineless sycophants like Pintard . Now all FNMs can see why Minnis trying to pack the Council with his stooges , so that he can subvert the democratic will of the people. Don't be surprised if the true keepers of the flame resort to the Courts to protect their beloved Party.

On FNM convention - but no voting?

Posted 21 January 2016, 7 p.m. Suggest removal

Renegade says...

I wonder now , if the Attorney General , since she appears to be on a roll will proceed to investigate an earlier scandal involving BEC in 1989 / 90. Significant sums of money were concerned by way of bribes ; and interested political notables anxiously on the scene with their hands out then are still around today doing much the same thing !

Renegade says...

I could live with the ugliness if I thought she had the best interests of the Bahamian people at Heart ! But God knows she doesn't , nor do any of the functional illiterate clowns who call themselves ministers of the Government including our off balanced Prime Minister who continues to seduce our gullible people with empty magniloquent phrases that mean nothing . This is how for years the PLP in the incarnation of Christie , Maynard-Gibson , Brave and others have been able to enrich themselves on the backs of our people.
Now , Sarkis is doing the same thing . While his employees are demonstrating on his behalf , I am informed and have no reason to disbelieve that he is on the beach in the south of France playing with his children.
Sarkis has been poorly advised starting his bankruptcy proceedings in the USA as the Chinese lenders will now take steps to take control of the Resort. They will rely on a Bahamian registered security which is not affected by any US proceeding and mark my words Exim Bank will not submit to the jurisdiction of the Delaware Courts.The Bahamas Government will get in bed with the Chinese because they are beholden to them needing them for the projects at the BC Hilton , Downtown redevelopment scheme , Abaco , Eleuthera and South Ocean NP , to name a few. Don't forget they will want their elite to make money off of these projects as well.
Let us hope the Opposition can get its act together in the persons of people like Butler-Turner and Chipman to make the right public pronouncements as the country has up to 5000 jobs to protect and a very significant part of the economy . I have absolutely no faith in the Government and none in Minnis who is a complete idiot .

On Govt to pay salary of Baha Mar staff

Posted 4 July 2015, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Renegade says...

I largely agree with banker though I am cynical enough to have my suspicions about Irzmirlian as well. What else can you expect from the scion of inherited wealth who as I write this is cavorting in the south of France while 2400 of his employees are pondering their financial futures ;and our visionary Prime Minister is dazed in Barbados leaving our androgynous AG to fight the government's way out of this crisis . Banker is correct Exim bank is a secured creditor and will take steps to recover control of the asset aided and abetted by the government. Now what I want to know is whether or not Allyson has figured out her revenue stream in this process . After all " pawns " is her expression , not mine ; and we all know that the welfare of the Bahamian people is the last thought on her mind!