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Repercussion says...

Once again use reason and logic. It wasn't his parliamentary team period. They thought they placed someone weak that they could walk over to act as an interim leader and unfortunately were mistaken. I don't expect much from this opposition because they have no Loyalty to their leader and have shown a tendency to undermine him. In the end I hope he removes all of those Loyalist and replace them with those that actually want to move the country in the right direction.

Repercussion says...

What a stupid thought!

Repercussion says...

So much hate towards Dr. Minnis as if he's the reason the country is in the state it's in. The man is solely pointed out the facts. Why do you need to criticize that? I don't understand how logical thinking Bahamians would associate the oppositions performance or lack thereof solely with Minnis.

Repercussion says...

There is no need for a long drawn out convention wasting funds. 1 day get it over with and get back to business. The FNM needs to have a convention so that there are no questions about who the leader of the party is and they can move in one direction and get things done. This country is facing a lot of internal and external threats we need a solid opposition to hold the government accountable. It's a genuinely smart move. If someone wasn't planning for convention next year, they clearly don't think or plan ahead and that is cause for concern.

Repercussion says...

DNA is blowing gas and playing the political game. I don't care what they do anymore because all of it is a show. If you had new information you could have sat down with the media and said something along those lines a while ago. They chose to let it go because they had no support and the PLP government wasn't taking them serious. Now that it's become evident that it isn't going to blow over and Rollins and the FNM have reignited the media's interest here they come. Well like bradly said Put up or shut up!!! This goes to show they don't care, they are just like the rest about Politricks. Actually worst than the rest!

Repercussion says...

You can't be serious.