Comment history

Revolutionary says...

"In Bahamas where I live"
Bey you een foolin nobody lol.

Name one Bahamian that uses the word hydrocarbons, ya lying potcakes!

On Who wants to be a petro-state?

Posted 13 December 2020, 6:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Revolutionary says...

BPC wasted money on these propaganda Tribune comments, lol.
You een fooling nobody. No Bahamian in their right mind wants anything to do with this, because why on earth would we risk our environment so BPC and political cronies can get rich?


Revolutionary says...

"fossil fuels are the only economical and environmental choice"

Fossil fuels are environmental, are you on crack?

Can't believe these dumb people think for a second oil exploration will actually benefit Bahamians.

On An oily Bahamas Christmas

Posted 21 November 2020, 5:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Revolutionary says...

This study refers exclusively to smoking, whereas consumption of cannabis via edibles/cooking results in no toxicity.
Smoke is dangerous, not marijuana.

We do need to focus on education, and marijuana can provide a sustainable source of revenue to better fund our schools.

On The role of religion

Posted 29 October 2020, 7:39 p.m. Suggest removal

Revolutionary says...

Why is this entire article assuming that domestic Bahamian-owned banking services *that do not do business with the USA* cannot exist or handle marijuana money? So what if we have a domestic banking system? And why does the author repeatedly refer to domestic banking as a "parallel financial system" like it's some evil underworld? It's just a bank that doesn't do business with the USA.
This whole article seems like propaganda made to scare Bahamians from legalizing simply because the big banks can't take all the marijuana money *and* do business with the USA. They want to have their cake and eat it too. CYC.

On US 'cut off' fear on marijuana pursuit

Posted 28 October 2020, 7:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Revolutionary says...

What kind of jackass proudly announces they will continue needlessly enforcing destructive/pointless weed laws while violent crime remains a massive problem?

Carry ya crabby, commissioner.

Revolutionary says...

New PLP? Visionary leadership from Davis? Green energy and employment from PLP? Bodie, you on crack aye?

You forget how the PLP was for the past 40 years? You forget Brave was totally compliant with Perry Christie's unbridled corruption and total incompetency? Where have you been?

The FNM is trash, yes, but the PLP is as bad or worse. Why these ignorant boomers continue to support the two-party corruption merry-go-round is beyond me. The two parties repeatedly take turns stealing from the public and Bahamians legit say "Next election it will be different! The same people in the same party with the same promises will be totally different this time!"

Stop embarrassing yourself and start looking for actual parties/candidates worth supporting.

Revolutionary says...

The global death rate for COVID is 5% (very high) and Trump is the least popular president in history (for good reasons).

You fall on ya head aye?

Revolutionary says...

1) Deliver as much as possible.
Why: This keeps more people in their home and prevent large gatherings at grocery stores etc.
How: An online catalog of what's available at each store (as easy as updating a Facebook page) and a few drivers. A National Delivery system where a few drivers do a lot of deliveries would be optimal rather than several different separate delivery drivers each doing a few runs.

2) Free Internet
Why: The internet has become a necessary utility to stay up to date on information and in contact with dependent loved ones we can no longer visit. Although it will cost money, it's also our only hope of economic recovery (discussed further in #3).
How: Outside of corporate generosity or government borrowing, we can hold Alphabet (google's parent company) accountable for their satellite crashing in San Salvador by asking the Loon Balloon internet project to include Bahamians they almost killed.

3) Incentivize Computer Work
Why: This is the only economic growth the country will see, and we need dollars coming into the country now more than ever.
How: Free online classes are already available, and pairing Bahamians looking for work with these resources could be the difference between someone needing money and someone making money. Government should work with UB, BTVI, and other educational/vocational organizations to gather and distribute quality, up to date educational materials on e-commerce business strategies (tutoring online, buying/selling items, creating content, programming, etc).

If you have improvements or suggestions for any of these ideas, please reply!

Revolutionary says...

Amazing that we legally allow alcohol, nicotine, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and food chemicals, but suddenly with marijuana everyone is concerned about health. Despite marijuana not being toxic or capable of overdose (unlike the legal drugs).

Yall complain about the gangs and violence and then continue the prohibition that allows them to make money in the first place. If we legalize weed, the gangs can no longer make money off of it (why buy from a gangster when you could go to a safe, regulated business).

Anthony Pratt asks what amount of marijuana warrants a jail sentence. The answer is none. He asks what will stop the sale of drugs to kids, as if the issue is marijuana and not the sale of drugs to a minor. One could make the same argument about alcohol, that doesn't make prohibition an acceptable answer.

If you actually care about the crime, the victims, and the families of those lost, as Anthony Pratt espouses, you should be fighting to legalize this non-toxic drug so that police can focus on violent crime instead of chasing plants, and addicts can get help without going to prison. Time to move forward, look at successful countries and stop perpetuating failure.

On The saga of marijuana

Posted 8 February 2020, 3:04 a.m. Suggest removal