Comment history

Right242 says...

Typical Bahamian answer...just kill it. No wonder the country has D average in school and is going nowhere. i was on a boat one day & a 7 yr old kid wanted to smash a baby hermit crab because he thought it was gonna bite him. And the parents just watched and said nothing. Morons...

Right242 says...

You're obviously one of the dumb ones. The vets are coming to the Bahamas on their own dime to help. Now you want more from volunteers. Open your damn eyes!!!

Right242 says...

It really is mind boggling how dumb some Bahamians can be. Even the "educated" officials at the highest levels in government. Too stupid to even understand they're getting a free hand out. It's like saying "thanks for helping us, now you have to pay us". SMH...

Right242 says...

The British built the foundation in The Bahamas. The country was given to the African descendents 40 years ago. What have they done with it? Nothing. You're welcome for being given a beautiful land. Now, ungrateful and wanting another hand out. Where would you be if you were still in Africa??? How does someone as inept as Mitchell get in power???

Right242 says...

Batty boy Mitchell is the worst thing to ever come to this country. He's going to destroy us while his pockets get fatter. Someone please put a muzzle on this moron!!!!

On Mitchell: FNM stance 'sickening'

Posted 27 August 2013, 2:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Right242 says...

Good job, PLP. Show the world how stupid you really are.

On New street to honour MP spelt wrong

Posted 9 August 2013, 4:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Right242 says...

This country is no longer safe. Its time to pull all the tourists, cruise ships, and ex-pats out. Good job, Bahamians. PLP, you guys are doing a fantastic job.

On US diplomat robbed and assaulted

Posted 10 June 2013, 12:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Right242 says...

My deepest condolences to the Bruner family & the crew of the Liberty. I cannot fathom the devastation a mother experiences when she gets a call on Mother's Day that her son was murdered. As an ex-pat living here for over 2 years, I've seen a dramatic increase in violent crime and the inability of the Police Force to control the problem, or solve even the most basic crimes. The Bahamas, especially New Providence and even PI, are NOT safe. I personally know at least 4 friends that have been held up at gunpoint as well as many more home break-ins, including myself. I no longer recommend traveling here for tourism to my friends and family. It really is sad that that's the case given that this country has some of the world's most beautiful waters & beaches. I will be leaving as well at my soonest opportunity.

Right242 says...

Kick out all the ex-pats & lets watch this country implode on itself. This new government is going to kill the Bahamas. Anybody that lives here knows that most Bahamians are lazy & incompetent. Take away the added gratuity from restaurants & make the waitstaff actually WORK for their tips. Instead of waiting an hour after sitting down to get a menu. Ignorant Bahamians are scared of ex-pats because they know they are higher quality workers. This isn't a racial issue. Bahamians are scared of letting in Haitians because they know Haitians work their asses off. Anybody in their right mind would hire a Haitian instead of a Bahamian for any job. Even the last minister of foreign affairs said he would like to hire Bahamians to clean his house but they never show up!! Kerzner was smart to sell Atlantis when he did. Brookfield is now thinking of selling Atlantis again because of all this. And Baha Mar is thinking the same. This is not the place to invest anymore. And not worth visiting either.

On Shock over immigration staff swoop

Posted 26 April 2013, 11:16 a.m. Suggest removal