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Romrok says...

I wish they didn't get the mobile licence. Prime example is the mobile Hotspot from Aliv. Damn thing is 130 a month. That is only to protect cables business. If Virgin mobile or digicell came in, they would have sold it at a sensible price and knocked Batelco and cable for a loop and prices would come down.

If they were selling that for 40 or 50 a month, everyone would drop cable and Batelco and their crap service, forcing them to actually work for their money.

Romrok says...

Everything they do is a mad rush with no redundancy. All the out islands in South Abaco have their power lines thrown off the rocks and dragged across the bottom to the next island where they are back on the rocks again, no protection of any kind.
Power goes off cause the Duke goes out at too low tide, or a yacht damages a line with its anchor.

Hell I goto night classes in Marsh Harbour, and the crossing dock is were the power leaves for the out islands. People have hit these power lines leaving the dock with their engines and killed power. Little boats! 2 feet of water at low tide and there's a 15000 volt cable sitting there.

I personally have fished up a cable late in the night 5 or 6 times now in the last year, imagine Unkept government dock, not many choices to avoid your anchor going in a pile of their crap cabling.

The transatlantic cables from the states to UK are buried 6 feet under the bottom, and they are under a mile of water!!

Bury the cables if you want to make improvements. And how about 4 cooling pumps instead of one? Oh yea, fuel filters are the cheapest things you will buy for that plant, so send more.

You will always be BEC, cause you will never change, just like Batelco

On BPL to invest $4-$5m in Abaco ‘hardening’

Posted 25 February 2018, 7:35 a.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

I worked for a Bahamian company there years ago setting up the irritation for a section of farm to grow plants to sell to homeowners, like coconut and such. That place has a history of running Bahamian off site, and I mean working Bahamians too. They had a rowdy French Canadian that was foreman under lindroth that took a liking to cussing the Bahamians out. I haven't met anyone yet that has anything good to say about that place.

On Farm eviction exposes Schooner Bay bust-up

Posted 18 December 2017, 10:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

Being former police working for 41 years he should have known better. He grew up and worked in a time when you took off your hat indoors anywhere. Why pick fights now? Does he wear white shoes and then pick with someone for dirtying them too?
It is amazing the stupid crap that we will fight over.

Romrok says...

Parts for most cars are different between Japanese and US cars. Not all the parts, but you will find steering components, pedal parts, brake stuff and other random parts just happen to be different and don't cross reference to American parts.

Ages ago someone was arguing on Facebook about how Bahamian businesses rather make %50 selling one item rather than 10% on 10 items. Sound business all over the world.

My response is that the government should do the exact same. Imagine how many cars will be imported at 20% duty rather than 85%?
Governments have talked about giving the people a better life for ages, but now they have destroyed the economy so much we can't buy new cars.

They could appease the people quickly by just cutting the duty rate on cars, and hell most everything, and let the damn private sector get back to work rather than crushing them.

There would be so much importing going on that they would make up the difference for the duty rate cut, and businesses would boom and be able to hire the civil servants that are willing to work for their money as they are dismissed from government jobs.

Romrok says...

All these years of the Bahamian Government hasn't done anything for the Bahamian people's BEC bills either.

Romrok says...

Reminds me of living in Coral Harbour. I had a stupid sense of peace after lunch out there cause about lunch time the patrol car would pull into the Sand Bar on the beach and not leave til 5 or 6 usually. Happened very often, so most likely if you needed police around those times, at least they were in the area.

On Officers suspended over booze video

Posted 24 July 2017, 9:33 a.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

They killed Freeport nearly 50 years ago. If they could have thought about tomorrow instead of today, all those lots in those sub divisions would be built rather than derelict. There could have been a city there with a population larger than the Bahamas now, where even the laziest bahamian could have had a job. But nope, they took it, and destroyed the dream. Look at it now, are we still gonna blame the foreigners or finally take responsibility for the damage done.
Imagine if they let it run, and it was the south eastern seaboard container facility? How many jobs could that have made as Bahamians were trained to run it? An opportunity lost forever, Miami will not give it up now, it generates too much money for them.

Romrok says...

Well this is simple. After 45 years of the people being jerked around by the 2 crooked parties with the same promises since majority rule, the people are tired. Obviously this spend all the money cronyism, nationalistic foolishness has destroyed the heart and backs of the people, the bank account of the country, and the reward for hard work with stupid policies, with only the few in the houses of parliament and their friends and family living large, and will continue to live large for generations after our dollar is devalued and we fall to the bottom of the pile, like where Jamaica was and now are rocketing upwards from.

Romrok says...

Oh yes. Let's sort the damned mosquitoes right out. That will cause a travel advisory. What about the flipping crime. Been going on for years and you can't even start on it. Couple mosquitoes and yall acting like you ga get uhm like Rambo. Too damn fool.