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Rontom says...

And this is where it gets pretty icky: publicly discussing the medical illness of a loved one, but the story reads as if the initial pediatrician was somewhat guilty of one of the dreaded four Ds. But what seemed to happen was the vaccines (whether too many at once or by their very nature) unmasked HLH. Now the question is was this primary (making it familial and therefore still a worrisome concern to the parents) or secondary, with similar concerns with subsequent presentations, still makes it a tough road ahead for the parents.
The lesson here is illness is a very private matter and report by the tribune is overly simplified.

Rontom says...

Totally agree. While this is a horrible story for any parent to live through and thanks to God his life was spared, there are some glaring omissions. Like why was his vaccine delayed, was the infant sick at the time or had an underlying illness etc. But I am overall incredibly happy for the good outcome

Rontom says...

Flawed reasoning and false equivalency, Mr. Editor. Thatcher was then PM NOT the leader of the Opposition. Second, Thatcher CHOSE not to poll for the majority of support among her party members--Dr. Minnis actually won twice the majority support of his party members. Third, it was Loretta Butler-Turner who created this quagmire through her actions. Therefore, she needs to do the honourable thing as she did not honour nor respect the delegates of her party. Forth, do you really want to compare LBT to John Major... (there are political historians who actually read your stuff BTW)

On EDITORIAL: Put your country first, Dr Minnis

Posted 12 December 2016, 6:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Rontom says...

The premise is: govt should not be in charge of NHI because look at the state of the Health Care system, therefore we should let doctors run the NHI because they know how to run the HealthCare system... Wow. Just a thought, who do you think run the health care system now, smart guy. Second, how do you think the health care system got the way it is today--Hint--doctors playing both sides of the fence: stagnate the public to get more private patients; unbundle services to get more money for care. Create a void for a service and fill the need. Dishonest piece of writing.

Rontom says...

Question to be asked-- what is covered in this **$400m million Vital Benefits Package** for example, will my tax money go towards paying for Medical Abortion?

Rontom says...

Ahhh, GrassRoot you pretty much nailed it. My one caveat is this: you are correct--NHI scheme presumes sufficient healthy, paying people to carry the load for those who are mostly ill who cannot afford to pay: socialized medicine. But, sometimes, Healthy people have babies with complications that require medical/surgical intervention that can cost as much as $750,000. (Believe me I know first hand). And then that same family can have a member that develops cancer and that along with your outstanding will send you to the poor house. And thus NHI can benefit you. Also, eventually, we will ALL need medical intervention as we get older and every year the cost of healthcare goes up and up and up. So with the meagre pension and gratuity money (because the private insurance WILL drop you after 65yrs or premiums will be on the scale of $1200- $1500 per month--assuming you ARE healthy at that age, which is unlikely) you are not able to afford the care you need at that time and so NHI is needed.

But you are soooo correct. Corrupt doctors and administrators and insurers left to manage $850 million a year is asking for trouble without PROPER and I mean HONEST oversight... and on that note, I just don't know if we could do that in this climate without serious uprooting reform in how we do things.

On Penalty for failing to sign up for NHI?

Posted 28 January 2016, 6:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Rontom says...

In all healthcare systems that are nationalized enrollment is mandatory with the possibility of disincentive not to do otherwise. This is similar but not the same as NIB.

The thing is everyone can agree that the healthcare system has to change for the following reasons: inadequate medication supplies, long waits at ER, limited access to operating rooms, long waits to see specialists... What is immoral about this is that it's your money that is being used and you don't have equitable access to medical care that you paid for. So since there are only twenty ICU beds and all are filled and your mother has aneurysm that is bleeding and there is no bed available because all other patients are also critical and you cannot afford private care; you cannot afford a flight to Miami, what is left is she receives sub-standard care in a less than favorable ward where the nurses are not ICU trained and the outcome is not good most of the time. That is why NHI is needed. Access. Availability. Affordable. Timely.

On Penalty for failing to sign up for NHI?

Posted 28 January 2016, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Rontom says...

Its $1000/month apparently. Disgusted as well

Rontom says...

There is no difference between the two: universal health care and NHI. Care to tell the difference. There might be variations in NHI like in Canada and in UK and in Germany and in Australia. ...what's your reference on the 60% cost of obesity/diabetes? I agree that the major cost in health care is attributed to non-communicable disease and illnesses eg trauma, cancer, hypertension diabetes. But by far trauma and cancer lead the cost.

On PM asks people to 'trust him' over NHI

Posted 25 January 2016, 4:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Rontom says...

No it cant. Cost of health care is linked to advance in medical technology and treatment.

On Bishop says govt should not wait on insurers

Posted 25 January 2016, 11:49 a.m. Suggest removal