Comment history

RumRunnin says...

Nassau needs a long-term comprehensive plan that will cover a number of issues, including economic development.

According to the IDB, 28 cruise passengers spend the equivalent of 1 stop-over visitor.…

A previous article mentioned since 2013, most cruise passengers (i.e. the ones that actually get off the ship!) do not spend more that $100. What kind of authentic products can they afford for that amount? Conch salad?…

Let’s be smart and look at other opportunities. The cruise ship interest should not be driving the conversation about our national development.

RumRunnin says...

Amen! Would have loved to know if he was willing to pay a livable wage

On 'Save the country' with productivity

Posted 9 September 2022, 3:47 p.m. Suggest removal

RumRunnin says...

I agree with his views on the poor customer service at many government offices.

**“I say that because I spent most of the morning trying to find some people to hire..”**
He only spent one morning looking for staff? Is he expecting to find good workers in a matter of hours? I have to question his process.

On 'Save the country' with productivity

Posted 9 September 2022, 3:46 p.m. Suggest removal

RumRunnin says...

**“There’s still a challenge with misinformation, and sometimes intentional misinformation.” The sources of this “intentional misinformation” were not identified, ..."**.

It's annoying to some when common sense prevails.

**"As each section is completed, land will be reclaimed and made available for real estate development."**
If there's no mining then there's no need for reclamation! Problem solved.

RumRunnin says...

I find it awfully interesting that the Chamber of Commerce, whose very job it is to encourage diverse, sustainable economic activity, is waiting for an investor "to come in and help support them" .

You live in Andros, you see and understand the needs better than anybody. I'll venture out on a limb and ask, could you possibly meet those needs yourselves?!

It will be a great day indeed when some people stop kissing the feet of "Developers" and "investors" with projects that are like a cancer to our beautiful islands and people.

RumRunnin says...

Thank you, Ms. Duncombe!

Plus any light manufacturing being proposed should be outlined in detail for consultation with the public before approvals are given.

And any partnership with Albany should immediately raise red flags. They are disrespectful to residents including those that live near to that property, and should not be allowed to develop any further projects in this country.

RumRunnin says...

Would have been nice if the author covered all aspects of the meeting, including the residents who voiced a number of issues associated with this project such as the noise, air and dust pollution, as well safety breaches that allowed for construction workers to be falling onto adjacent properties. Please and thanks!

RumRunnin says...

If you want a Bali experience then go to Bali. This is ridiculous and culturally insensitive.

RumRunnin says...

**“A BISX-listed fund yesterday declared its continuing interest in solving downtown Nassau’s parking woes by redeveloping the Registrar General’s former home …”**

How do you solve the parking problem by bringing more people downtown to live in condos? The 2 are contradictory. To solve the parking problem it will take more than providing more parking. Start with a more reliable, well managed bus system.

**“There appears to be a growing recognition among developers that, with remaining land on New Providence increasingly limited, the only way to build is to go vertical.”**

Developers are interested in making a profit. They will do anything to accomplish that unless we decide we don’t want to be a basic, tasteless skyscraper city.