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Ryla says...

Elites always find a way to blame individuals for the structural problems they have failed to address. People who spend frivolously are a minority, and he is using them to draw attention away from larger issues like high unemployment, substandard education, and divestment in our communities.

On Banker: Put homes above life's luxuries

Posted 8 July 2020, 4:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Ryla says...

Which part is false?

Ryla says...

<p>I really don't think people outside the US have a clue how bad the situation is. About 1,000 people have died from Covid everyday for a over month. That was before the recent increase in cases. People here are openly talking about Covid being fake and a plot to bring down the president. These people are deeply, deeply stupid. The lady in the article said God has not given her a spirit of fear. I know that God has given her a brain. I implore her to use it. If you absolutely cannot skip your summer vacation this year, please visit somewhere else.</p>
<p>Black Americans themselves are freaking out right now. They can't go to Canada, Mexico, or Europe, and the State Department is not processing passports except in Life or Death emergencies. All while white supremacists are running the government.</p>

Ryla says...

It seems like Caribbean countries will have to choose between the EU, where Covid is stable, or the US, where it is out of control.

Ryla says...

Is this a joke? Granted I haven't been in primary school in 20 years, but I remember being unsupervised before school and during break and lunch. Someone would be posted at the campus entrances to make sure no one left, but otherwise if we needed a teacher during those times, we had to make our way to their classroom. I attended both public and private schools, and the only exception was my grade 6 teacher, who shocked us all on the first day of school with the announcement that he did not allow his students to play outside. I sure others may have different experiences, but it's ridiculous for both a minister and a union leader to claim that they don't know children are unsupervised during part of the school day. Maybe some of the negligence is theirs.

Ryla says...

I wonder why the victim was was the one removed from having contact with the perpetrators? Seems like it should have been the other way around. Removing the boys from the situation would have the effect of protecting other students and making sure they understand the severity of their actions through some combination of punishment and/or counseling. Removing the victim isolates her and reinforces the notion that she was the one who did something wrong.

On Primary school sex claims investigated

Posted 21 April 2015, 10:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Ryla says...

So he wants his water park to be paid for by the government, potential employees, and investors, while he eventually reaps the profits. Maybe his investors have dried up because they realize he doesn't even have the discipline to do basic preliminary planning and speaks as if he is entitled to funding. Everyone has a wish and a dream, but it takes more than that to start and run a business