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do not believe everything you read folks! When folks are desperate to stay in power, this is what they do. Belittle their competition! Listen, be wise and use discernment, no matter what, we are better off electing any other party, other than the current one! Do you want the country to continue sinking or do you want to give this new comer a chance to make this country the envy of the world!...You decide! [And for all those present die hards...yu would rather be an opportunist, loyal to the brand that supports your unethical and favoritism characters, even if it means peril to the country!! Sad, very Sad"] You see, many vote for current administration because of what they could get. free this, free that, custom duty dogging and the likes. Please let us pray for Mr. Minnis, and all those sitting on the sidelines criticizing, if you feel you have what it takes, then go and help your brother in Christ to Rise this nation back up to decency! God has the final word regardless; he will be the judge in the end!


Off course; there has not been one original idea from this Administration. Because some poeple do not read, they have no clue that everything, everything the government ihas done during their term in office was mandated by the united nations, under the agenda 21 initiatives! Can we just have one reporter who is well versed in this to take the camera's in front of the House of Assembly and ask the PM or any other member, if the Equal Rights Bill the VAT Bill was part of the UN Agenda 21, Ask them!!! That Bill that the Minister signed in New York, some year ago or so, was to include LGBT rights, which relates directly to question 4 of the referendum. Misleading, deceitful and down right disingenuous. Please read the article, then google all you can on the UN Agenda 21:


When we give people dominance over our lives easily, they take a mile to dictatorship. Wake up People/Bahamas!


Listen up everyone! Why on earth do we "the citizens" allow a body of persons {Governments} to decide and dictate our lives! Collection of taxes is unconstitutional, In the United Statesand all other places that do so at extortionist rates! "As long as one has to pay property tax no one will ever own their home- they will simply lease it from the government.! "… - check out this article on the subject matter.

Who gives anyone the right to charge you, for the rest of your lives "Real Property Tax"! A private piece of parcel that you worked so hard to attain for you and your family. Next after you buy that piece of land, you have to pay the Gov't stamp tax, this tax, that tax, and what do they do to you...They charge you for the rest of your lives! When you are already saddled with Mortgage Payment, Home Insurance Payment, Car license Fee, Car Insurance, Medical Insurance, Children's school fees, Drivers license fees, then there is Business license fees , VAT and I mean on everything including the underwear you wear.....and the list goes on. When that roof needs repair or those electrical wires needs changing, you the citizen, have to foot the bill government is there to help you pay for those repairs, no one helps you repair the creaking porch, or the holes in the drive way, get my point! Real property tax is the most inhumane tax ever!, it should be immediately abolished! these are the things all bahamians should be standing up against. "extortion at the highest order" We must all wake up Bahamas! and stop letting Governments Rape us across the board! Stand up for what you believe in!

Sadly, we still Vote for Governments, whose only objective is to "Tax us to Poverty"!!!


well written:

bridgetown, Barbados, December 14, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – Christians in many Caribbean territories being pressured by developed countries and international agencies to normalize homosexuality are joining in prayer and sharing resources to defend family values and Bible-taught sexual mores.

In a shrewd appeal to nationalist sentiment as well as biblical truth, Barbadian sociologist Veronica Evelyn told a rally of approximately 6,000 islanders gathered at Bridgetown's Bay Street Esplanade on November 22, "A handful of wealthy nations in North America and Europe have decided to turn the world upside-down, to deconstruct society with new, ungodly versions of family and marriage." The rally was an attempt to mobilize Christian churches to become actively involved in public affairs, including sexual rights issues.

Dr. Evelyn, a key organizer of the event, warned, "Today, family, faith and freedom are under severe and persistent attack in Barbados, the entire Caribbean, and across the world."

Citing President Obama, who at his second inauguration likened the struggle for LGBT rights to the struggles of blacks to attain equality, Dr. Evelyn objected strongly to the notion. "How can a moral wrong ever become a civil right?"

Across the Caribbean, the message is being delivered by developed countries and international agencies, she said, that the region's island nations must conform to the new morality.

In May, the Barbados Ministry of Industry, International Business, Commerce and Small Business Development collaborated with the Canadian hiv/aids Legal Network to invite a same-sex couple to conduct a week-long training to sensitize police, military, prison officers, and others to LGBT issues. At the end of the week, the collaborating parties hosted a public panel discussion on the topic "How Gay is Too Gay and should they be Invisible?" The moderator of that discussion ruled faith-based questions out of bounds.

The point of all this effort, Dr. Evelyn told the crowd, is the repeal of Barbados's anti-sodomy laws, which criminalize anal penetration. But it is socially lethal to normalize what is against the law of God, she argues. "When human governments collaborate to usurp the authority of God and to make His laws void, it is time to defend family, faith, and freedom. As a church, we must focus on being God's ambassadors, the salt that will preserve our country from legalizing mass sexual confusion, and the light that will guide the way towards building strong families and a strong nation."

Warning that they would be called "homophobic ... haters, bigots; intolerant, discriminatory," Dr. Evelyn urged the crowd to return this hostility with love and openness to dialogue. At stake, she said, is the moral and physical health of their country, their children and grandchildren.

On Pastor calls for yes vote in referendum

Posted 27 May 2016, 1:25 a.m. Suggest removal


BOB investigations and criminal charges still outstanding! Where are the Journalist folks?!! Keep them accountable! People are being protected whilst someones child with a marijuana joint goes to jail?! Top down!!!!

On BOB two years from profitability

Posted 26 May 2016, 8:25 p.m. Suggest removal


Agreed Banker......they are silencing people, because the people allowed them too. If Bahamians do not have the guts to stand up for their country, then they do not deserve to have it, period!!!!! stand up bahamian, sit may already be too late!


Where are our Journalist! Where, Where....Where are the Bahamian People! We should all be out marching against injustice.


Banker is spot on!


Every idea came from the FNM Manifesto...just look. Just like all these laws they are passing came from the United Nations. Read up Bahamas. Google UN Agenda 21. The Bahamas signed on, and already agreed on the LGBT rights, etc. They have you all for fools and laughing stocks! Nothing that they have done during their reign was a brain-child! It was all mandated by the United Nations! Yes, the United nations. The referendum, so why such a simple human right is being done through a referendum. All any Government need to do, is the right humane thing. It goes that if two people marry, and one is a foreigner, so what! they should be able to work and get permanent residency without all this hogwash! After-all they have to feed their families just like any other human being. So stop the political games and go back to the Bible and take heed..God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!


Sure most countries economies are built on Foreign Investments, but why is it that most Governments do not even empower their own to become local entrepreneurs. Investors get oconcessions and all kinds of perks just to make themselves look good. Consumers have to be one step ahead at all times, but instead they are their own worst enemies. Wake up Bahmas!