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How is progress defined?a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage
/developmental activity in science, technology, etc., especially with reference to the commercial opportunities created thereby or to the promotion of the material well-being of the public through the goods, techniques, or facilities created/advancement in general/
growth or development; continuous improvement/the development of an individual or society in a direction considered more beneficial than and superior to the previous level/forward or onward movement:the progress of the planets, in this case "Our Nation"

It is clear and evident that we are followers not leaders. Everyone knows about how the Chinese Operates you just need to see these articles or youtube videos to prove it:……

Politics is the order of the day, Power and greed is the order of day, I do not need to post any further articles or videos, you can just eduate yourself and read and look at the poverty in China, if they do not take care of their own, do you think they will care about us bahamians" All ulterior motives, and the Govt. of The Bahamas should be impeached NOW!

Now read this from the following video:…

"Few people know of the "so-call" trade policies that China transacts with developing nations that allows China to pay big bucks to the country leaders while it ships out valuable resources. For example, China invested in Senegal with construction projects and road building. However, it brought in a Chinese labor force and hired only a few Senegalese laborers. The road built allowed China to ships its goods across barren lands to shipping ports that take resources out of Africa to China. The money has not filtered down to the people. In Jamaica, it is taking out the bauxite, but the money is not filtering down to the poor people. China's foreign aid benefits only China."

So as not to be one sided or bias, ask the Chinese Government why they are not helping their own poor citizens instead of putting money into other countries abroad, why?!!! Every single move by the Chinese has a motive. Same for USA, why are they pumping so much millions of dollars into other economies, when they have such high poverty rates too?

wake up bahamas....To be continued....