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SP says...

Africa, Latin America and many other countries found out the hard way that the IMF and World Bank imposed austerity measures are the biggest debt traps and fastest way to destroy your country in the world!

The Bahamas needs to refinance it's debt with bricks New Development Bank and get rid of the IMF and World Bank ASAP.

SP says...

The country has been held back by these political dinosaurs long enough!

We need young innovative leadership. Case in point is President Ibrahim Traoré of Burkina Faso, Sahil, Africa.

At 35-years-old President Ibrahim Traoré is the youngest president in the world. After just two years in office he has managed to completely pay off the countries $4 Billion debt, build the most modern hospital in Africa, build 50,000 homes for citizens, improved public transportation with 500 new buses, opened canning factories, built new schools, and the list goes on and on.

Enough of the PLP and FNM merry-go-round to nowhere. The world is leaving Bahamians behind. It is time to move on.

SP says...

Bahamas is the 6th most expensive country in the world and has a low minimum wage. It is unconscionable to have any VAT on food and medical.

This undoubtably launches political campaign tricks and silly season for the up coming general election.

On 5% VAT cut on all food items

Posted 11 January 2025, 5:48 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Finished or not, the fact remains it is unjustifiably way over budget, and inadequate for the needs of Abaco and therefore totally redundant!

End of discussion.

On Abaco storm shelter misses finish deadline

Posted 8 January 2025, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

Michael Johnson, Deangelo Rolle, and attorney Bjorn Ferguson, **combined** have too much knowledge of skeletons in elites closets for the charges to be allowed to stand!

These charges will be appealed, contested and thrown out either on technicalities, lack of evidence or incompetent investigations. No one will eventually be charged with anything.

It is impossible to begin dealing with corruption at the shoulders while leaving the head intact.

SP says...

In reality, after untold decades of top to bottom corruption incorporating politicians, law enforcement, and the legal fraternity, it would be asinine to believe this even begins to scratch the surface on corruption in the Bahamas!

Drugs, arms dealing, prostitution, and human trafficking are by far the biggest businesses in the country, that could not thrive without political, law enforcement, and legal facilitators.

Our country is a cesspool of corruption filled with so many skeletons that the PLP and FNM dare N-E-V-E-R to allow the FBI or Scotland Yard to carry out any investigation on anything for fear they will stumble upon evidence implicating the so called "elite".

SP says...

The solid beating led officers to suspect the man of the killings! New police commissioner, same old lousy policing, torturing confessions out of suspects.

SP says...

Fortunately, Izmirlians' attorneys had the good sense to choose the U.S. New York State Supreme Court as arbitrators in the event of things going sideways!

Unquestionably, Izmirlian would have long ago lost hook, line, and sinker, had China or the Bahamas court systems been chosen as jurisdiction for arbitration.

Congratulations Sakis, hold their feet to the fire!

SP says...

All of these clowns noses are so big they can't see that Junkanoo groups have gotten way too large many years ago!

SP says...

All of these clowns noses are so big they can't see that Junkanoo groups have gotten way too large many years ago!

On Junkanoo back on after govt U-turn

Posted 13 December 2024, 5:42 p.m. Suggest removal