Comment history

SP says...

The government made the best decision possible in this instance. The World Bank and IMF would have included an extraordinary amount of debilitating strings attached at an outrageous interest rate reserved especially for third world countries.

This is exactly why Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso, refuse to accept offers of loans from the IMF and World bank today!

On China to fund new hospital

Posted 13 May 2024, 6:57 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**Total bullshyt U.S. propaganda.** The actual reality is no one can identify **not one verifiable** instance of a "China debt-trap" scenario anywhere globally!

Conversely, there are any number of verifiable **IMF and World Bank debt-trap situations ** including in the Bahamas, to be found globally, especially in Africa and other third world countries, that come with government controlling stipulations that hog-ties countries to allow the exploitation by western powers.

China should have been the **FIRST** place government approached for this facility!

On China to fund new hospital

Posted 13 May 2024, 6:43 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

"Our draconian nation"have a zero tolerance policy" to common sense!

Nothing will EVER stop the use of cannabis no more than anything will ever stop the use of alcohol which is proven 100's if not 1000's of times more detrimental than cannabis AND deadly!

The only result of sentencing our people to jail for personal use quantities of cannabis possession is overcrowded prisons, the creation of more hardened criminals, adding more people to the burgeoning unemployed lines, and destroying individuals freedom of movement.

President Biden has move toward reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug and much of the western world has either legalized it or treat it as a misdemeanor offense.

There is absolutely no sensible justification for Bahamas position on cannabis other than the greedy politicians have not quite figured out how they can profit from it most.

We experienced the same phenomenon with the Harold road dump fires. The PLP were unable to figure out how to profit from stopping the fires so no resolutions were found. When the FNM came back to power, they resolved the issue in just a matter of months!

Greedy politicians and their friends, family, and lovers have ALWAYS been the greatest impediment to the development of our country.

SP says...

And corrupt politicians and policeman isn't illegal? Why can't **THEY** stop?

SP says...

The Bahamas thrives on asinine stupidity! Time for a change!!

SP says...

Blah, blah, blah, blah. What jackass made this decision? **This is totally s-t-u-p-i-d**. Why not simply let them go instead of traumatizing and imprisoning them somewhere else again?

SP says...

We cannot survive anymore upgrades!

**The biggest secret** is the new Ministry of Finance Internal Revenue enhanced collections system is at a standstill for many businesses because RBC is unable to synchronize with Inland Revenues collections system.

This translates to many businesses being unable to receive their business licenses for months regardless that they have no outstanding debt to Internal Revenue and spend weeks back and forth to Inland Revenue trying to "push" for resolutions.....**without success.**

Many business importers cannot access their cargo sitting in limbo at Customs Gladstone road facility **for months** because Internal Revenue systems is unable to find their payments which prohibits the issuance of business licenses which prevents importers collecting their cargo due to not having their business license.

Regardless of importers having all receipts of payments to Internal Revenue, importers are still unable to collect their cargo without having a business license.

To add insult to injury, Internal Revenue refuses to provide letters of authorization which would allow importers to present to Customs to access their cargo **AND** Customs still demands importers pay late fees for storage of the cargo regardless that the importer is not at fault for the delays!

Government growing pains are to be expected, however, someone in government should have enough damn sense to facilitate importers in this situation. Why should importers be penalized for the governments screw ups?

SP says...

Firstly Cable Bahamas is way too expensive **AND** the programming **SUCKS**!

Secondly, streaming now makes up more than one-third of all television consumption in the U.S. so similar decline here shouldn’t be a surprise.

SP says...

What a tragedy! Every year we hear MP's saying more ambulances and fire trucks are needed on the family Islands, yet nothing is done by either administration.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Time to get off the PLP and FNM merry-go-round!

SP says...

The election campaign is heating up!