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SS20 says...

As a first time voter, I feel extremely insulted by this piece. How could The Tribune write something so bias, and incredibly distasteful?! Not only is this article unprofessional and downright callous, it lacks tact and good judgment of the Bahamian people as a whole.
this is a democratic country! If The Tribune forgot, I will elaborate on the meaning of democracy. According to the Oxford dictionary, a democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. The key word in this definition is elected. The Bahamian people have spoken, and the Bahamian people (the ones who you called ungrateful and subliminally stupid) elected the PLP as the governing political party for The Bahamas.
This article shows the lack of trust you have in the Bahamian people, and moreover, yourself! The ignorance and unprofessional-ism of the Tribune is magnified in this article, and I am no longer a supporter of this newspaper. The Tribune is supposed to be a source for Bahamians to get the facts, which in this case is not shown. This article is filled with opinions, as a journalist one should never be bias, for many rumors have been circulating about the buying of votes, and yet only one party is pointed out. shame on you!
The writer of this piece completely disregarded the contributions that the PLP did for the Bahamas, and made it seem as if the FNM did everything from the start. The fnm did not get us that lovely stadium you stare at everyday, THE PLP did! Just in case you didn't know, THAT's A FACT. Something this article lacks terribly!
I for one am happy Mr. Ingraham has retired. His one-man-band-antics were getting quite tiring, and his "leadership" did NOT scream democracy, it screamed dictatorship. As a Bahamian citizen, I am not looking forward to having a “Castro” run my country, this is not Cuba, nor will it ever be. It baffles me how this article conveyed a ridiculous point that the Bahamas will be doomed...
I have no doubt that Mr. Christie will prove this article wrong. I voted for the PLP because the candidate for my constituency has proven time and time again that she deserved to represent me, and that is what you call gratitude.
You talk about the exposing of evil? Well, in my eyes this article is pure evil. It is pronouncing the fact that we are not a whole country, but a country divided. helloooooo!!!!!!!!!! The elections are over, for you to tell the FNMs to stand up shows that this is a competition not a country.
We are now and will forever be Bahamians at the end of the day, NOT FNMs, NOT PLPs, and NOT DNAs. We are ONE! Forward upward onward together, does this not ring a bell??? I have nothing more to say on the topic, but I will end on the note that I find this article discouraging and it hinders a united progression of the Bahamian people.
SKS, a first time voter.

On Bahamas has lost a great leader

Posted 9 May 2012, 5:41 p.m. Suggest removal