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Sam says...

BPC conducted seismic tesing in what was called one of the most pristine areas of the Bahamas **Strong**without an environmental impact assesment (EIA). Before the first drop of of is extracted seismic testing - or blasting sound at the sea bed (which has been likened to standing next to a 747 at take off) is conducted for MONTHS at a time This is done to map out the sea bed to help oil companies determine where the most likely sites are for oil drilling. Sesmic testing has been known to rip apart fish eggs, rip the lateral lines in fish, cause deafness in whales and dolphins causing them to strand, avoid their migratory and feeding paths. no EIA, no observers to count the dead nothing - the government was assured that there would be no problem - but how do we know?Where is th EIA for the oil drilling? Where are the regulations for this industry? Where is the transparency? Why should we trust BPC with oil drilling when they KNOW how dangerous seismic testing is and did nothing to mitigate it's effects?
Drilling will bring its own noise to this senitive area, not to mention the inevitable spills that come with drilling and the bespoiling of the area. Then there are the pipes that would have to transfer the oil to ships and their spills, and have we forgotten that the Bahamas average land mass is merely 5ft on average above sea level? Have we buried our heads so far in the sand that we believe that some how God is going to save us from sea level rise? Is the BP Gulf spill such a distant memory that we would be willing to take that risk? In a country that receives on average 9 sun hours a day why are we not seriously investigating the sun, or wind and tidal energies. They are expensive? Why are we not inviting solar comapnies here to test the latest in solar technologies?How expensive is it going to be when we are flooded out of our homes? BP had access to the best and the bightest and for weeks oil spilled into the Gulf contaminating their fisheries, killing thousands of whales and dolphins, and seabirds. WE need to demand something better from our govrnment for our country and for generations to come...if you haven't already done so please sign the petion...if not you then who?…