Comment history

SandsMarco says...

Closing Remarks:

***Many of you reading this probably surmise that I am inferring that our governmental leaders are the Pigs. They are NOT; they are the Dogs, the enforcers. The persons who are put in place to keep the masses in check by getting their sheep to chant their talking points, and drown out all intelligent probing conversation. No the Pigs are the monopoly holders, the foreign investors, the foreign entities and the invisible nefarious money men who hold the true power in this country. Our government, yes our elected government are simply the house negros keeping the field negros in check for the elusive master. If you were to do a critical analysis of politics in this country you would see that this hypothesis is indeed true. Deals, contracts, partnerships never truly enrich or empower the masses but rather the select few. Some are given a few crumbs to keep them controllable but there is never a nationalistic plan to firstly and fore mostly benefit the Bahamian people. Until some Bahamians stop treating each other like second class citizens and wake up, we will always be treated how we deserve to be treated by others.
I can only imagine what is coming but no rush, I can assure you that unless the PM changes his mind before 2017, I have no intention on reviewing what is said there after but I will check back in 2017 or maybe the next one in 2022 or however long it takes before a leader is elected who truly believes in Bahamians.***

SandsMarco says...

Part 7:

***The best way to control a people is to divide them.
The political satire Animal Farm by George Orwell pens a story of a group of animals who became tired of their human masters and decided to stage a coup, overthrow them and take over the farm. The plan worked, the coup was successful and initially there was peace and harmony on the farm with all of the animals working together in unison. Then subtle differences began to appear.
The pigs, who were the intellectuals, galvanized themselves and declared since they were the ones with the intellectual prowess and in control of the decision making, they should be entitled to more than the other animals who were just mere workers. When some of the other animals began to realize that the Pigs had placed themselves in a position of superiority they began to murmur; the Pigs reacted immediately. The Pigs gathered up all their loyal followers, the sheep, and gave them a message to spread continually to all of the animals. When someone would voice a concern the sheep chanted louder and drowned them out. The Pigs also turned to the dogs, who were originally the security force to protect the farm against an invasion by the humans, to now silence and squelch any dissenters or “trouble makers”. For their loyalty to the Pigs the dogs themselves became an elite class and were rewarded handsomely. The Pigs through their actions mimicked the behavior of the very humans that the animals sought to escape.
I remember as a naive impressionable teenager reading Animal Farm and being completely amazed and confused by this book. I did not understanding how such a scenario could exist. How could those who were once liberators now themselves restrict and imprison those who they once liberated? How could the other animals just stand by and allow this?
How; because a show of power is never an overt act, as illuminated in the book, but a covert systematic plan that is done incrementally. First establish yourself as the elite, separate yourself from the masses (whether it is tangibly or intangibly), galvanize your loyal sheep who will say and do whatever you desire without hesitation. Create your own enforcement squad to “deal” with those persons who dare to dissent and stand up for injustice.***

SandsMarco says...

Part 6:

***It’s been a pleasure dialoging with you and I will state that I hope you open your eyes.
If the PM changes his mind, then Ill be back to chat with you but if not, I guarantee you that in 5 years time if a new leader is elected, Ill be back.

As some of my fellow Bahamians say, “its as simple as that”

i will leave this with you:***

SandsMarco says...

Part 5:

***What’s even more amazing than Atlantis and Bahmars open invitation to Bahamians to play in their casinos is the fact that the absolute last person in my mind on this planet which was again was one of the biggest shocks to me in all my years of existence was a man who on the radio stated today, (well yesterday due to the time that I am posting this) that he, the former PM Hubert A Ingraham feels it is unbelievable that the present PM will present a referendum to ask the question of whether Numbers should be decriminalized and whether we should institute a Nationality Lottery but why is the question of Bahamians having the right to Casino Gamble is not a part of the referendum?
He also admitted that he would have had all three questions mentioned above had he won the election and put it to the Bahamian people.
While I would have said prior to today that the former Prime Minister is no different than the present PM due to the fact that for the past 15 years under his rule, he too had the opportunity to allow the people to decide, I must commend him based on his recent comments because again, as much as I totally disagreed for many things he stood for which was probably 98% of the time, he has shown that he has the respect of the Bahamian adults to allow us the right to decide on this subject and this is one time (which is unbelievable to me) but I must give kudos where it is due to the former PM.
I can state now that me and the former PM share many, many, many differences but to actually hear him state that, which I would think that he would be one of the last persons to ever state that, that goes to show that I am not the only Bahamian sharing these thoughts, just as you have persons with your ideology, you also have those who feel the Bahamians should have freedom of choice as it relates to the right to casino gamble, it’s all over the news, it’s on the talk show, by goodness, we are having this discussion on this website, who would have expected this 10, 20 or 40 years ago that the laws relating to gambling are be considered to be revised?
Change is coming, again, 5 years (unless the PM changes his mind) it is guaranteed that the law will remain the same as it relates to casino gambling but remember, no matter how much you chose to disagree with the message that many Bahamians and non-Bahamians share with me, “Change is coming”.***

SandsMarco says...

Part 4:

***Who knows?
While we are on this subject, in case you 3 did not know, (especially you 1pnewman) there was a time in the Bahamas when Bahamians were not allowed in the casinos period. The PM at that time Sir Lynden Pindling said himself that there will never be a Bahamian employee in any casino in the Bahamas working or playing, there will never be a Bahamian Pit Boss in the Casino, there will never be a Bahamian Shift Manager in the Casino, there will never be Bahamians occupying any job in the casino in any capacity.
But guess what?
Change came, the very same man who said there will never be a Bahamian in the casino under his watch changed his mind and thus, the Lottery & Gaming Act was revised for all Bahamians “including you 1pnewman” to have the opportunity to say on this website that you have 25 years of experience as an employee in a casino in the Bahamas.
If change did not occur, who knows where in life you would be right now along with every other Bahamian who supports their families, Churches, communities etc from casino gambling.
That is the only thing I can guarantee (well of course excluding the time when we will all face judgment because we are also all guaranteed that our time will come but again) change is coming, I hope you will eventually see it, there was a time when the thought of a Bahamian having the right to gamble in any form was un-questionable, but look at what is happening now, there is a proposed referendum knocking at our door, it’s around the corner, change is coming.
Who in the world would have expected the owners of the casinos to say (whether you chose to believe them or not) that they are now opening the doors to welcome Bahamians in the Casino to do what?
To “PLAY” in their casino, not someone else’s casino, in “Their” casino in which they have invested Billions, the Foreign Investors, who would have ever expected that, especially knowing the history of this country, but guess what, they did, Bahmar and Atlantis stated they are welcoming Bahamians in their Casinos to play?
Change is coming.***

SandsMarco says...

Part 3:

***One on hand, I was embarrassed as a Bahamian when I showed them some of your comments but on the other hand I said to myself that it is not only in the Bahamas where some experience an identity crisis, this occurs all around the world and one of my foreign colleagues stated they have the same thing going on back in Barbados where many of the locals feel that the tourists are better than them based on how they treat the tourists compared to their own citizens. She said you can listen to how some of the locals talk to each other and treat each other compared to how some of the locals talk to the tourists and treat the tourists in which she said in many cases, it is night and day difference.
My American colleague said he has experienced different treatment himself right here in the Bahamas because when they went to a restaurant for lunch yesterday, he felt un-comfortable because he could tell he was getting a little better treatment than my other two colleagues who are from the Caribbean stating that the other 2 colleagues were pretty much ignored, and they did not care as much as he did but he admitted he was very uncomfortable.
Maybe the employee thought the other 2 colleagues were locals, who knows, but I told him that not all Bahamians are the same (if it was a Bahamian who was serving them) just as in their respective countries, not all of their citizens are the same in which they all agreed.
I told them I made my points quite clear and I was pretty much done with this subject but all 3 of my foreign colleagues insisted that I respond to your 2 comments (I guess its 3 now as I have just read Ms. Solja Girls comments which is really sad) but again, after they convinced me to do so, I said ok and now I am here now but to wrap this up, I again will say don’t worry, you 3 have absolutely nothing to worry about for the next 5 years as the PM stated he has no intention on allowing Bahamians adults the right to decide if we want casino gambling.
No need to worry.
But I can tell you one thing though, change is eminent, it is clear that you are afraid of it but change is coming.
Who knows, maybe the present PM himself may read this blog or other blogs addressing the same issue and weigh in the pros and cons which exist for everything in life and say to himself, you know what, maybe I should allow all Bahamian adults the right to choose if they wish to have the right to casino gamble?***

SandsMarco says...

Part 2

***I educated myself, I studied and decided to seek further knowledge about the Bahamas and about my Bahamian people, I listened to the people on both sides, persons with your ideology and others who do not share your ideology and in time, I realized that I am a Bahamian, there are millions of people all around the world who too wish they were Bahamian, that’s why they come here, that’s why they want to work here, that’s why they want to invest here. They also want to be a Bahamian and that’s when my eyes were opened and I finally understood why others who used to share the same message I am sharing with you never gave up on me, and yes they told me there will be backlash, there will be persons who will consistently highlight all the negatives about being a Bahamian stating that the more a person with your ideology were to highlight the negatives of Bahamians and consistently pick the first negative thing that comes to mind about the Bahamian people, that explains the more they are afraid of themselves.
See, this goes much deeper than the gambling issue, this is an identity crisis ideology that some in this country are facing and sadly, some posting on this website, not all, but some and what does it all boil down to, this boils down to the mentality of “Servitude” that some do not realize they may be faced with but it is not too late, why, proof of that is myself and many others who in their past shared the same mentality that you have and in some cases, I have met persons who were 10 times more extreme with the same ideology than you three share but they even they eventually changed.
It is clear all around us.
I truly admit to the three of you that I did not realize it at first until I showed some of my Bahamian colleagues at work earlier in the day in addition to 3 of my non-Bahamian colleagues who are visiting us and guess what, while we were on a break and I asked them to tell me what they think when they read some of your comments, they all said you cannot be Bahamians but I still said yes they are (at least you professed to be) and I admitted to them that sadly, I also used to share the same mentality that you do before I opened my eyes.
After reading some of your comments (especially you concerned citizen) do you know what all three of my non-Bahamians stated was most puzzling about your comments; they highlighted the fact that you support banning yourself from a place where others can go which to them was unbelievable as prior to this trip, they had no knowledge that Bahamians could not gamble in the Bahamas in the casino.***

SandsMarco says...

Part 1:

***Excellent job.
All three of you have proven that every Bahamian is not the same.
That is the one thing I am happy that you three have proven.
“all Bahamians are undisciplined’ ,,,,Amazing and what’s more amazing is again, you (concernedcitizen) are given kudos to another person who is outright insulting you and every other Bahamian by calling you “undisciplined” and “the same as every other Bahamian”, its beyond laughable to the level of being truly sad but there is still hope though for you.
Despite it all, you three are afraid (seeing that you solja girl joined in), you are afraid of yourselves, you are afraid of change you are afraid of the in-evitable.
I have no idea why and the proof of that is that none of you have the fortitude to state the truth. The very simple questions I asked of you, you all are afraid too answer because you know what the answers are and if you state what the answers are, every point you are all making on this website will in turn become null and void, you are afraid, but there is no need to worry, once you educate yourselves and prepare yourselves for the change that is coming, you will look back at all that was said between us with a new perspective.
How do I know that, I was once there where you 3 and robert sands was, I too was of the thinking that foreign was better, that we Bahamians were second class and we deserved to be treated as second class, that we Bahamians need not apply, that the tourists are more important than us Bahamians because that is all I used to hear coming from some other Bahamians, I was once there too, yes I am man enough to admit it.
But you know what happened?

SandsMarco says...

Part 5:

Then robert sands continues:

“WE” have to take away from individuals for “Their” own benefit.

Who is the “Their” 1pnewman?

Seeing that you are in a position to speak on behalf of robert sands without putting any further words in his mouth, can you advise us, the Bahamian people who the “WE” consist of and who the “Their” consist of? I and I am sure many other have no interest in the attempted distractions on persons part to detract from the subliminal messages being sent by bobert sands, these are the questions that need to be answered, who are the “WE” and who consist of “Their”?

Do you have the answer for these 1pnewman or not?

Apartheid? Interesting choice of words and I am so happy that you were the one to bring it up? Do you 1pnewman know what an Apartheid system is? An apartheid is any system or practice used to separate people according to race, religion, nationality, gender, political persuasion. You have just added to the point that an Apartheid Law exists in which one of the sectors of persons affected, in this case due to our “nationaly” is being kept separated by law from legally engaging in something that another “nationality” can legally engage in. You have just added to the pro-Bahamian message and further solidified the pro-Bahamian argument and I thank you for that as many others who may have never realized that, including my fellow Bahamian “concernedcitizen” hopefully now open their eyes to see that the Lottery & Gaming Act Chapter 387 section 50 is an law that promoting an Aparthied system and no matter how any of you on this website try to justify Discrimination it for your own “motives” it is wrong and you ideology will be defeated after a Bahamian other than the present PM is out of office.

Thanks for your support in the "Agenda" of the pro-Bahamian message 1pnewman, truly appreciated!

SandsMarco says...

Part 4:

9) Again, the persons “Screaming” can be due to numerous causes: Winning, Losing, Drunkeness, just plain ole screaming, but where does that not occur in a party atmosphere with high energy? It’s a Casino, not a library? Again, what is your point?

10) Now you chose to refer to the young man from Kemp Road, why Kemp Road 1pnewman? What about the young man from any other part of the Bahamas who happens to be in the casino with his friends? Is it because the young man is from an area in your eyes that is looked at in the light you chose to look at it, you in great zeal chose to use the area of Kemp Road? Fact, the same way the young man drunk and wanting to show off and impress his friends on a Friday night is to be dealt with the same way the young man from fro “kemp road” is the same way the young man from Fox Hill, Eastern Estates, Carmichael Road, Venice Bay, Gambier, Tropical Gardens Eleuthera, Inagua or any other part of the Bahamas would be dealt with by security. Wow, let’s sum it down to the young man from Kemp Road, amazing. By the way, I was born and raised in both Bain Town and Cable Beach, which area of New Providence will you 1pnewman chose to use when describing me?

11) bol, bol, bol, “To reiterate and without putting words into Mr. Sands mouth, his comments were aimed at a specific portion of the Bahamian society.” But yet you are doing the very same thing you claim you are not doing, you are putting words in robert sands mouth, where does robert sands say he is speaking about a specific portion of society if he is saying that all Bahamians should not be allowed in the casino?

It is clear that you have not even read roberts sands comments, the comments you support as he again refers to “Bahamians” being undisciplined and guess what, that includes you too, where in the article does robert sands say his comments were aimed at a specific portion of the Bahamian society? You have not read his comments but for your sake, please read below Bahamas:

“robert “Sandy” Sands, senior vice-president of external and governmental affairs at Baha Mar, said yesterday Bahamians are not “disciplined” enough to be able to gamble in casinos locally.”

“Mr Sands said while he supports regularising number houses, he is not an advocate of Bahamians being allowed to gamble in casinos”

He clearly supports gambling for foreigners who are here on short term permits and to other foreigners homes here with permanent residency oh and yes, foreigners with “High Net Worth”see below:

“I support gambling for persons who come on short term work permits, especially in the entertainment business. I also support gambling for persons of high net worth who have permanent residency in the country and people with second homes,”

Worse of all, he feels “WE”?

I would like to know who the we consists of but again, but there are some rights “WE”

Who is the we 1pnewman?

Are you included in the we 1pnewman?