Comment history

SandyE says...

All I can say, looks like a deal with the devil. I can't imagine financing can be made closer to hhome - private or otherwise. Maybe the numbers just dont add up. China must have other interests.

SandyE says...

brian e plummer says: "There is still protest in many US states over the George Floyd killing by police and President Trump on July 20, 2020". I gather Mr. Plummer is Implying its Trump's fault. Give me a break. Are we to imply that the Bahamas that I've been visiting since 73 in anti Trump?

On The worst is yet to come

Posted 27 July 2020, 7:38 p.m. Suggest removal

SandyE says...

First Nassau, Grand Bahama, Abaco now Andros. Did I miss any. Reminds me of Fire Ants

On Time to think of our children

Posted 2 July 2020, 11:48 a.m. Suggest removal

SandyE says...

China is the Bahamas loan shark. From the other side of the world they come. The feeling of China's flirting should not mistaken for friendship. Its part of their game with the US with the Bahamas being a pawn. If the Bahamas were to renege or default on a loan or contract with china, they'd soon enough find out.

On Time to look after our own interests

Posted 27 June 2020, 11:17 a.m. Suggest removal

SandyE says...

We'll never know if the virus arrived in the Bahamas from the US or Canada or the Carib somewhere. We know it originated in China. Any Chinese doing business in the Bahamas ???

SandyE says...

Hum, Yes the US has learned a lesson. This administration in it's second term will no doubt see to it that it doesn't happen again.

On US was the worst prepared for virus

Posted 4 April 2020, 1:49 p.m. Suggest removal

SandyE says...

"On average, anglers spend $600 more per trip than general visitors, and those economic benefits extend beyond fishing guides and lodges to the broader economy in many ways - to restaurants, shops, car rental companies and tour operators.”

I'd love to know where those numbers came from.


SandyE says...

"Technically, they are a developing nation ... just like us". - You got to be kidding

SandyE says...

Sandy Estabrook of says "What a great idea" Lets hope it gets accomplished soon. He too will give it lots of exposure.…

(Bahamian Waters)

On So much water, so little identity

Posted 22 March 2019, 5:01 p.m. Suggest removal

SandyE says...

Hey, I've only seen turbo props. But they must've a couple jets,.

On Bahamas has no Boeing 737 MAX planes

Posted 14 March 2019, 9:11 p.m. Suggest removal