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Schemer18 says...

He was the one who went on the site, & to come back to say "they een ready for the Bahamians yet" LOL! So I wonder who is controlling the work permits?

Schemer18 says...

They ain't tired dishing out garbage to the intelligent public?

So show the amount of work foreigners permits given out during that period.

These idiots just can't get their figures right, when they are firing Bahamians, & hiring foreigners.

On Unemployment rate down to 9.5 percent

Posted 11 August 2019, 1:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Schemer18 says...

Grand Bahama has a surplus of illegal Haitians, & Filipinos raid there too for God's sake.

Schemer18 says...

This country can get so rich from these illegal matters, repeal the dern constitution laws of the Bahamas to suit the charges, follow the American Laws, not the British Laws.

Schemer18 says...

This is why the Bahamas cannot get any better, & Bahamians are selling their souls for these demonic poverty people to mix with our Bahamian Christianity.

Schemer18 says...

He got tied in with a migrant, & now want to change the Bahamas Laws to suit his wife's people. not a day like it.

The Bahamas will be back rampant with poverty, & these people come here to work for chicken feed. The Bahamian Bar of in the work environment has to be raised not DMX valued.

On McCartney calls for citizenship at birth

Posted 15 June 2019, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Schemer18 says...

This man giving Bahamian children a bad impression, from since he became the minister of education.
He keeps complaining about situations surrounding the students, but all students are not book smart.

What happen to the vocational classes for students who are not test worthy?

So create programs that the ones failing can have a trade, upon leaving school.

Stop putting things like this in the public domain, & to correct your errors.

On Only 46% leave high school with a diploma

Posted 14 June 2019, 10:45 a.m. Suggest removal

Schemer18 says...

Haiti is in poverty as we speak for an over population, & no one needs to be a QC to know it.
What Bahamians are saying: They do not want anymore of these ungrateful Haitian people in our jurisdiction period.
So when this man gonna get it?

Schemer18 says...

You can't be serious about Edison Key. The greedy man of Abaco with the illegal Haitians.

Schemer18 says...

I do not agree with what Mr. Smith is saying that "the undocumented migrants been here in the Bahamas for some time'.
One can see Haitian illegal migrants for example comes 250 plus per month into the Bahamas illegally, & we cannot take on these boat loaded issues.
Our schools are over populated already with these illegal migrant's children, & the attention from the class teacher of the actual Bahamian born is becoming depleted. Because of the over crowding.
We cannot take on anymore stress from Haitian migrants, & the Bahamas has too many of them as we speak.
So Mr. Smith needs to put a preposition into Haiti on how to grow that country's economy.
The Bahamas is a small country, & Bahamians comes first.