Comment history

ScubaSteve says...

WTH?!?!?!?!? It's been 4 and 1/2 months are they are still stuck on the reef. O M G !!!! Our Govt is such a JOKE and they clearly don't give a crap about our beautiful and unique environment.

ScubaSteve says...

This issue is clearly NOT the fault of Silver Airways. They are simply looking out for the safety of their passengers and crew. Yet again... this is 100% the fault of the lazy and incompetent Bahamian Govt.

ScubaSteve says...

Sadly, the brightest and most talented leaders in the US aren't going into politics. There are countless other potential candidates that are 1,000% more educated, qualified, and born leaders in other industries and fields rather than politics. There is more money to be made and much less public scrutiny in other lines of work. So, as a result, we are left with the bottom of the barrel working in politics and running for President. These self-centered, greedy, egotistic, narcissistic losers are what we are left with for the time being. Ugh!!

ScubaSteve says...

You are 1,000% correct with this comment!! The less educated you are, the easier it is to brainwash with misinformation and lies. Conversely, the more educated you are, it is easier to see through the rhetoric and lies and see what is really going on.

ScubaSteve says...

HA!! Just another reason I left the Church... folks like you are pathetic, insecure, and scared. If you were a true Christian, you would be more concerned for her or his wellbeing.

ScubaSteve says...

How about we make condoms FREE to everyone??? FREE in the grocery stores. FREE in the drug stores. FREE in the high school and middle schools. free, free, free...

On Evicted residents of shanty homes struggle

Posted 21 June 2024, 11:09 a.m. Suggest removal

ScubaSteve says...

Point of clarification. Before everyone loses their marbles -- my comment above was purely sarcasm. Or was it???? LOL!!!

ScubaSteve says...

Here's an easy solution: Why don't we approach our new BEST friends (China) for a special loan to help finance the cost of the upgrades to the power plant? We already agreed to have China help finance the cost of the new hospital on New Providence. Why stop there?! In fact, let's have them help with the roads, schools, and airport upgrades on the Out Islands too.

ScubaSteve says...

This is absolutely appalling and inexcusable!!! These folks should be immediately thrown in jail. Better yet -- I've got some ideas for their punishment. However, then I would be the one thrown in jail.

On ‘Save dolphins after eight die’

Posted 8 May 2024, 2:22 p.m. Suggest removal

ScubaSteve says...

The news story says... "with possession of dangerous drugs." Still can't believe having a few grams of weed is considered a "dangerous" drug. How is that any different than going to the liquor store and buying 5 bottles of vodka (which is perfectly legal)?????